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Office 365

With the Office 365™ integration, you can check out documents and edit them in Office 365™. When you check out a document to Office 365™, a new browser tab opens and displays the document in Office 365™. While it is checked out, the document and all changes made to the document are stored in an Amazon Web Services environment that Komodo Health maintains. If you make changes to the document and close the Office 365™ tab before checking in the document, you can reopen the checked out document with all of your changes. For the changes to be saved in Komodo Publications Planning, check in the document from the document’s detail page in Salesforce. If you cancel a check out, all changes made to the document in Office 365™ are discarded.


The Komodo Publications Planning product consumes the Microsoft 365 service as-is. Komodo Health makes no representations about the Microsoft 365 service and cannot guarantee the availability, reliability, privacy, or security of the Microsoft 365 service. Komodo Health has limited abilities to support and monitor the Microsoft 365 service. By using the Microsoft 365 integration, you agree to utilize the Microsoft 365 service as-is and agree to absolve Komodo Health of any and all liability that you or any person or entity associated with you may incur as a result of utilizing the Microsoft 365 service.


Once Office 365™ is configured, users must be provisioned with licensing and a permission set to use the Office 365™ integration, and only documents that meet requirements can be checked out to and checked in from Office 365™.

User requirements

To author content in Office 365™, users must have:

  • An Office 365™ license

  • Either the CA_Office_365_Admin or the CA_Office_365_Author permission set

  • The Edit Document (mvn__CM_Edit_Document) document version permission

Document requirements

To check out a document in Office 365™ or to check in a document from Office 365™, the document must meet these requirements:

  • The document's file type must be supported. Supported file types include:

    • .docx

    • .pptx

    • .xlsx

  • The document's file size must not exceed the limit defined by the Office 365 Setting (mvn__CA_Office_365_Setting__mdt) custom metadata type. Depending on which version of Komodo Publications Planning you have in your environment, the file size limits are as follows:

    Komodo Publications Planning version

    File size type

    File size limit

    Spring '23 and below





    Fall '23


    The file size limits are based on those of the Microsoft Cloud Storage Partner Program (CSPP). For more information, reference Microsoft's documentation on file sizes supported by Office for the web.







  • The document must be either a ContentVersion or a mvn__CM_Document_Version__c record.


Komodo Health maintains two Microsoft 365 instances: Microsoft 365 production and Microsoft 365 test. Connect and use the Microsoft 365 production instance in a Komodo Publications Planning production environment and the Microsoft 365 test instance in a Komodo Publications Planning sandbox environment.


To enable Office 365™ in the Collaborator Portal for either the production environment, the sandbox environment, or both, make sure to complete step 5 in Set up and update the Collaborator Portal.


If you enable Salesforce's Summer '24 release in your org, make sure you configure Office 365™ as a trusted site to ensure that Office 365™ iframes load as expected. For more information, reference KI-121.

To connect to the Office 365™ production instance and enable users to use the Office 365 ™ integration:

  1. Ask Customer Support to enable Office 365™ in your production instance. Make sure to include your org ID in the request. For more detailed instructions, go to How to Contact Customer Support.

  2. Install the MCM Office - 365 connected app.

    1. Navigate and log in to

    2. In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Connected Apps OAuth Usage.

    3. Click Install in the MCM Office - 365 connected app row.

  3. Configure the OAuth access policy for the MCM Office 365 connected app.

    1. In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Manage Connected Apps.

    2. Click MCM Office 365, and then click Edit Policies.

    3. In the OAuth Policies section, select Admin approved users are pre-authorized for the Permitted Users field.

      With this policy, as long as users have a permission set or profile that is assigned to the connected app, they can access the connected app without first authorizing the connected app. You will assign permission sets to the connected app in the next step.

    4. Click Save.

  4. Manage access to the MCM Office 365 connected app.

    1. Click MCM Office 365.

    2. Click Manage Permission Sets in the Permission Sets section.

    3. Select CA_Office_365_Admin and CA_Office_365_Author.

    4. Click Save.

  5. Verify that mvn__CA_Office_365_Setting__mdt is enabled and lists the correct Subdomain and Environment.

    1. In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Custom Metadata Types.

    2. Click Manage Records in the Office 365 Setting row, and then click Default. If no Default metadata record exists, create a new one accordingly.

    3. Verify that the Default record lists these values:








      API Version

      If your environment has the Komodo Publications Planning Spring '23 release or below, set this to 1.00 for a file size limit of 5MB for all file types. If your environment has the Komodo Publications Planning Fall '23 release, then this field has been deprecated and different file types will have varying but greater file size limits. For more information, reference the section above.

    4. If any of the values are wrong, update the values.

  6. Verify that the CA_Office_365_PROD remote site setting is active.

    1. In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Remote Site Settings.

    2. Verify that the CA_Office_365_PROD remote site setting is active.

    3. Mark the remote site setting as active if it is not.

  7. Assign users either the CA_Office_365_Admin or the CA_Office_365_Author permission set. Visit Permission sets.

To connect to the Office 365™ test instance and enable users to use the Office 365 ™ integration:

  1. Ask Customer Support to enable Office 365™ in your test instance. Include your org ID in the email.

  2. Install the MCM Office - 365 - Test connected app.

    1. Navigate and log in to

    2. In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Connected Apps OAuth Usage.

    3. Click Install in the MCM Office - 365 - Test connected app row.

  3. Configure the OAuth access policy for the MCM Office 365 - Test connected app.

    1. In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Manage Connected Apps.

    2. Click MCM Office 365 - Test, and then click Edit Policies.

    3. In the OAuth Policies section, select Admin approved users are pre-authorized for the Permitted Users field.

      With this policy, as long as users have a permission set or profile that is assigned to the connected app, they can access the connected app without first authorizing the connected app. You will assign permission sets to the connected app in the next step.

    4. Click Save.

  4. Manage access to the MCM Office 365 - Test connected app.

    1. Click MCM Office 365 - Test.

    2. Click Manage Permission Sets in the Permission Sets section.

    3. Select CA_Office_365_Admin and CA_Office_365_Author.

    4. Click Save.

  5. Verify that mvn__CA_Office_365_Setting__mdt is enabled and lists the correct Subdomain and Environment.

    1. In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Custom Metadata Types.

    2. Click Manage Records in the Office 365 Setting row, and then click Default. If no Default metadata record exists, create a new one accordingly.

    3. Verify that the Default record lists these values:








      API Version

      If your environment has the Komodo Publications Planning Spring '23 release or below, set this to 1.00 for a file size limit of 5MB for all file types. If your environment has the Komodo Publications Planning Fall '23 release, then this field has been deprecated and different file types will have varying but greater file size limits. For more information, reference the section above.

    4. If any of the values are wrong, update the values.

  6. Register as an active remote site setting.

    1. In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Remote Site Settings.

    2. Click New Remote Site.

    3. Enter these values:



      Remote Site Name


      Remote Site URL


    4. Click Save.

  7. Assign users either the CA_Office_365_Admin or the CA_Office_365_Author permission set. Visit Permission sets.


If the Office 365™ integration is not working, verify that:

  • Your user is assigned either the CA_Office_365_Admin or the CA_Office_365_Author permission set.

  • The Office 365™ instance that you are using is properly configured.

    Office 365 production instance

    Office 365 test instance

    Connected app

    Ensure the MCM Office 365 connected app is properly configured.

    Ensure the MCM Office 365 - Test connected app is properly configured.

    Remote site setting

    Ensure the CA_Office_365_PROD remote site setting is active.

    Ensure is registered as an active remote site setting.

    Custom metadata

    Ensure the mvn__CA_Office_365_Setting__mdt custom metadata is enabled and has these values:

    • Subdomain - office

    • Environment - Production

    Ensure the mvn__CA_Office_365_Setting__mdt custom metadata is enabled and has these values:

    • Subdomain - office--test

    • Environment - Test

  • You are logged in as yourself. Office 365™ functionality does not work if you log in as another user via the Users tab in Setup.

Override Office 365™ interface labels

You can override the Office 365™ user interface labels based on the type of user checking out the document to Office 365™. To support the overrides, a Connected App Plugin assigns a userType to a user, and the CA_IOffice365CheckoutUserOverrides interface provides overrides for each userType. Visit Override interface labels .


This section includes the primary user permissions, underlying data models, and system configurations for the Office 365™ integration.

Permission sets

To author content in Office 365™, you must be assigned either the CA_Office_365_Admin or the CA_Office_365_Author permission set. If you have one of these permission sets and are an owner or a collaborator of a document, you can check that document out to Office 365™ and reopen an already checked out document in Office 365™. Only the user that checked out the document initially can check in the document.

Permission set

Custom permission




Users with this permission set can author Microsoft 365 content, check out any document to Microsoft 365, and reopen in Microsoft 365 any document that is already checked out. They are only able to check in or cancel the checkout of documents that they performed the checkout action upon.


To cancel the checkout of any document, including documents that they did not perform the checkout action on, the user must be assigned the CM_Admin custom permission.



Users with this permission set can author Microsoft 365 content, check out documents of which they are a collaborator, and reopen in Microsoft 365 any document that is already checked out and that they are a collaborator of. They are only able to check in or cancel the check out of documents they performed the checkout action upon. For more information on collaborator permissions, refer to Salesforce’s Change File Access in Lightning Experience documentation.

Custom metadata

The Office 365 Setting (mvn__CA_Office_365_Setting__mdt) custom metadata contains settings related to the Office 365™ integration. With this metadata, you can enable Office 365™ for an org and declare the subdomain of the Office 365™ instance that you want to use. For a list of Office 365 Setting Fields, visit Microsoft 365 Setting.

Remote site settings

Komodo Health’s Office 365™ production site is registered as a remote site.


If you want to use the Office 365™ test instance, you need to register as an active remote site setting.

Remote site name

Remote site URL





Whitelists the Office 365™ production site.


The Office 365™ functionality works with both ContentVersion and mvn__CM_Document_Version__c files. The ContentVersion sObject and mvn__CM_Document_Version__c custom object contain the Office 365™ fields listed in the tables below.

Table 114. Office 365™ ContentVersion fields

Field label

API name

Data type


Check Out Date/Time



Date and time when the file was checked out.

Check Out Id


Text(36) (External ID)

Unique identifier for the checkout.

Check Out Type



Type of check out the user requested. Picklist values include Office365 and Local.

Check Out URL



URL where the file is stored in Office 365™.

Check Out User



User who checked out the file.

Checked Out


Formula (Checkbox)

Whether the file is currently checked out.

Table 115. Office 365™ mvn__CM_Document_Version__c fields

Field label

API name

Data type


Check Out Date/Time



Date and time when the file was checked out.

Check Out Id


Text(36) (External ID)

Unique identifier for the checkout.

Check Out Type



Type of check out the user requested. Picklist values include Office365 and Local.

Check Out URL



URL where the file is stored in Office 365™.

Check Out User



User who checked out the file.

Checked Out


Formula (Checkbox)

Whether the file is currently checked out.

For more information on the mvn__CM_Document_Version__c custom object, visit Document Version.