Digital Science
The Komodo Publications Planning product allows for a seamless integration with Digital Science's Altmetric product. When fully integrated, users can easily track their published articles using journal metrics, a feature driven by Altmetric, to see how the articles are being interacted with via online engagements. This helps document collaborators monitor and measure the overall impact of their work.
The steps required to integrate the Digital Science's Altmetric API with the Komodo Publications Planning product are as follows:
Establish an agreement with Digital Science to obtain login access and connectivity to their API.
Digital Science will provide the API key, which you will use when configuring the integration in your Salesforce instance.
Install the Digital Science package via the Komodo Install Service.
Configure the Digital Science package.
Assign the appropriate Digital Science permissions.
Configure the Digital Science package
After you have received your credentials from Digital Science and have installed the Digital Science package, you need to configure the Digital Science package with your given credentials.
To set up and configure the Digital Science package:
Create a Digital Science external credential.
Create a Digital Science named credential.
Update the default Digital Science Setting metadata record.
Configure record pages.
Schedule batch jobs.
1. Create a Digital Science external credential
To create an external credential for the Digital Science integration:
In Setup, search for and select Named Credentials.
In the External Credentials tab, click New.
On the Label and Name fields, enter a label and a name for the external credential, such as "Digital Science External Credential".
In the Authentication Protocol dropdown, select OAuth 2.0.
In the Authentication Flow Type dropdown, select Client Credentials with Client Secret Flow.
On the Identity Provider URL field, enter the Altmetric URL you have received from Digital Science with
appended at the end.Click Save.
2. Create a Digital Science named credential
If you have previously installed the Digital Science package and used the Digital Science integration, your Komodo Publications Planning environment may have an existing, out-of-the-box Digital Science named credential. This is a legacy named credential that no longer integrates with Digital Science. You must complete the following steps to create a new named credential to ensure that your integration with Digital Science remains functional.
To create a named credential for the Digital Science integration:
In Setup, search for and select Named Credentials.
In the Named Credentials tab, click New.
On the Label and Name fields, enter a label and a name for the named credential, such as "Digital Science".
On the URL field, enter the Altmetric URL you have received from Digital Science.
The base URL will be extended based on which endpoint is being called (e.g.,
).In the External Credential dropdown, select the external credential created in Step 1. Create a Digital Science external credential above.
In the Callout Options section:
Check the Generate Authorization Header checkbox
Check the Allow Formulas in HTTP Header checkbox
Check the Allow Formulas in HTTP Body checkbox
Leave the Outbound Network Connection field empty
On the Allowed Namespaces for Callouts field, enter
.Click Save.
3. Update the default Digital Science Setting metadata record
The Digital Science named credential must be attributed to the Digital Science Setting (mvn__PP_Digital_Science_Setting__mdt
) custom metadata type.
To attribute the Digital Science named credential to the Digital Science Setting metadata record:
In Setup, search for and select Custom Metadata Types.
Click Digital Science Setting.
Click Manage Digital Science Settings.
Next to the Default (
) metadata record, click Edit.In the Digital Science Named Credential field, enter the API name of the named credential from Step 2. Create a Digital Science named credential above.
Click Save.
The API name of the Digital Science Setting metadata record must equal PP_Default
. Do not modify the Digital Science Setting Name field of the PP_Default
Digital Science Setting metadata record.
4. Configure record pages
To ensure that information derived from the Digital Science package displays properly, configurations need to be made on the record pages of both the Journal (mvn__PP_Journal__c
) custom object and the Document (mvn__CM_Document__c
) custom object as well as on the Document Target Search modal.
Display journal metrics on Journal Record Page
Journal metrics are the data extracted from Digital Science's Altmetric solution that can be displayed in Komodo Publications Planning using the ppdsJournalMetricsWrapper
Lightning component. While you can display the journal metrics anywhere in the product, Komodo Health recommends using the component on the Journal Record Page so that the journal metrics appear alongside other journal details.
To display the journal metrics on the Journal Record Page:
In Setup, navigate to the Lightning App Builder.
Next to the Journal Record Page (
), click Edit. If the Edit option is not available, click Clone.From the Components tab on the left side of the page, drag the ppdsJournalMetricsWrapper custom managed component and drop it onto the canvas where you want the journal metrics to appear on the Journal Record Page. Komodo Health recommends creating a new Digital Science tab next to the Related tab so that users can easily identify the journal metrics. For information on adding and customizing custom tabs, reference Salesforce's documentation on how to Add and Customize Tabs on Lightning Pages Using the Lightning App Builder.
Click Save. If you cloned instead of edited the Journal Record Page, you may also need to activate the record page for your users.
Once the ppdsJournalMetricsWrapper
component is added to the Journal Record Page, you can use the Journal Metrics Configuration (mvn__PP_Journal_Metrics_Configuration__mdt
) custom metadata type to control which metrics appear and how they are displayed in the component.
Display Altmetric Badge on Publication Planning Document Record Page
Digital Science's Altmetric Badge is an easy-to-understand visual representation of the data mined by Digital Science for your publications. It can be displayed anywhere in Komodo Publications Planning using the ppdsAltmetricDocumentBadgeWrapper
Lightning component. However, as with the journal metrics, Komodo Health recommends using the component on the Publication Planning Document Record Page so that the publication data appear alongside other publication details.
To display the Altmetric Badge on the Publication Planning Document Record Page:
In Setup, navigate to the Lightning App Builder.
Next to the Publication Planning Document Record Page (
), click Edit.From the Components tab on the left side of the page, drag the ppdsAltmetricDocumentBadgeWrapper custom managed component and drop it onto the canvas where you want the Altmetric Badge to appear on the Publication Planning Document Record Page. Komodo Health recommends creating a new Altmetric Badge tab next to the Related and File Details tabs so that users can easily find the visualization. For information on adding and customizing custom tabs, reference Salesforce's documentation on how to Add and Customize Tabs on Lightning Pages Using the Lightning App Builder.
Click Save.
Add Altmetric fields to Document Target Search modal
With the Digital Science package, several Altmetric-related fields are made available on the Journal (mvn__PP_Journal__c
) custom object. You can add these fields to the Document Target Search modal so that users can view the journal metrics when searching for and comparing target journals.
To add Altmetric fields to the Document Target Search modal:
In the Object Manager in Setup, search for and select the Journal (
) custom object.Click the appropriate field set that you wish to configure (e.g., Target Compare Fields).
Out of the box, the Target Compare Fields field set controls the fields used to compare Journal records on the Compare Targets/Link Targets screen of the Document Target Search modal and is therefore used in this example.
Click and drag the Journal fields you want displayed and drop them into the In the Field Set box.
Click Save.
For more information on target searches, visit the Target topic.
4. Schedule batch jobs
The batch jobs below ensure that Komodo Publications Planning retrieves the latest data from Digital Science. Each batch job is contained within its own Apex class and needs to be scheduled for execution. It is recommended that the Digital Science batches be scheduled according to the table below. To do so, use the Developer Console to execute the following anonymous Apex strings:
Apex string | Recommended timing |
System.schedule('Weekly Digital Science Integration', '0 0 19 ? * SAT', new mvn.PP_DigitalScienceSchedulable()); | Schedule weekly (e.g., runs every Saturday at 7pm) |
mvn.PP_DigitalScienceSchedulable digitalScienceSchedulable = new mvn.PP_DigitalScienceSchedulable(); digitalScienceSchedulable.execute(null); | Schedule to run immediately once |
Assign Digital Science permissions
To configure or view Digital Science's Altmetric data, users must be assigned either the PP_DS_Admin
or the PP_DS_Read_Only
permission set, respectively.
Permission set | Description |
PP_DS_Admin | Users with this permission set have admin access to Digital Science (Altmetric and Dimensions) journal and article attributes and configuration. |
PP_DS_Read_Only | Users with this permission set have read access to Digital Science (Altmetric and Dimensions) journal and article attributes and configuration. |
Digital Science data retrieval
The Digital Science package utilizes the Digital Science Setting (mvn__PP_Digital_Science_Setting__mdt)
custom metadata type to set up the call to the Altmetric API from your Salesforce instance.
The Digital Science package then uses the PP_DigitalScienceAPIService
to match the fields returned from Digital Science to the following custom objects:
Document (
)Document Metric (
)Journal (
)Journal Metric (