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Targets are the places where documents are published, such as congresses where posters are presented at and journals where manuscripts are issued in. Users can first propose targets to focus on during the conceptual and planning stages of a publication and later select actual targets for the documents. Information about targets are stored in the Target (mvn__PP_Target__c) custom object whose records can be found in the Proposed Targets and Targets related lists in the Annual Plan (mvn__PP_Plan_Budget__c), Concept (mvn__PP_Concept__c), and Document (mvn__CM_Document__c) record pages. The related lists can subsequently launch the corresponding Target Search modal for users to find, compare, and associate congresses and journals to the current record. Because each annual plan, concept, and document can have multiple targets, the Target Search modals also enable users to prioritize and identify the most preferred congresses or journals.

There are three related lists that contain Target records, one for each of the Annual Plan, Concept, and Document custom objects, and three corresponding Target Search modals.

Table 103. Target related lists and search modals


Related list

Related list field sets

Target Search modal

Annual Plan (mvn__PP_Plan_Budget__c)

Proposed Targets (ppPlanBudgetTargetsRelatedList)

Proposed Target Related List - Congress (mvn__PP_Proposed_Target_Related_List_Congress)

Proposed Target Related List - Journal (mvn__PP_Proposed_Target_Related_List_Journal)

Proposed Target Search (ppPlanBudgetTargetAdd)

Concept (mvn__PP_Concept__c)

Proposed Targets (ppConceptTargetsRelatedList)

Proposed Target Search (ppConceptTargetAdd)

Document (mvn__CM_Document__c)

Targets (ppDocumentTargetsRelatedList)

Target Related List - Congress (mvn__PP_Target_Related_List_Congress)

Target Related List - Journal (mvn__PP_Target_Related_List_Journal)

Document Target Search (ppDocumentTargetAdd)

Once a document is submitted to a target congress or journal, a Target Submission (mvn__PP_Target_Submission__c) record is created to track the submission.

Proposed targets vs. targets

Komodo Publications Planning distinguishes between proposed targets and targets to help users more easily build out their publication plans. Proposed targets are used with annual plans and concepts so that users can build publication plans around specific milestones, such as abstract due dates, and keep alternative congresses and journals in consideration if preferred targets reject their submissions. Targets, on the other hand, are used with documents so that users can identify the specific congresses and journals they will be submitting their publications to. Overall, the functionality between proposed targets and targets are the same across their corresponding objects and components.

Convert proposed target to target

Proposed targets can be converted to targets via the Publication wizard when new documents are created from the annual plans or concepts.

To enable the conversion of proposed targets to targets:

  1. Navigate to the Pubs Global Setting (mvn__PP_Global_Setting__mdt) custom metadata type.

  2. Click the Default (PP_Default) metadata record.

  3. On the Pub Wizard Add Related Objects field, ensure that "targets": true. If not, modify the metadata record accordingly.


    If you update the Pubs Global Setting custom metadata type or any of its metadata records, you must clear its cache for the changes to take effect. For information on how to clear the cache, reference Platform Cache.

Once enabled, users who click the New Publication (DOC) (PP_New_Publication_No_PBLI) quick action in an annual plan or concept will have the option to relate targets to the new document:

  1. In the Publication wizard, create a new document.

  2. On the confirmation screen that says that the document has been successfully created, click + Add and then select Relate Targets.

  3. In the Proposed Targets field, select the proposed target that you wish to convert into a target. Modify the other fields as necessary.

    • To convert additional proposed targets to targets, click the green + Add button.

  4. After you have added the desired proposed targets that you wish to convert to targets, click Save. Target records will be created and related to the new Document record accordingly and will appear in the Targets related list on the Document record.

Target Search modals

With the Target Search modals, users can perform basic or advanced searches to find congresses and journals, compare search results, and then associate them to the current annual plan, concept, or document. If your Komodo Publications Planning instance integrates with Digital Science, the search results will also display Altmetric data in each column.

Create a target

A Target record is created when a congress or journal is selected in a Target Search modal and associated to an annual plan, concept, or document. To find, compare, and subsequently associate congresses and journals to annual plans, concepts, or documents:

  1. In any of the Proposed Targets or Targets related lists, click New. The corresponding Proposed or Document Target Search modal will open and display any recently viewed congresses and journals.

  2. In the search box, enter one or more keywords to find your desired congresses or journals. You can switch from the basic search experience to the advanced search experience for greater filter options.


    The Pubs Global Setting (mvn__PP_Global_Setting__mdt) custom metadata type can control whether the default target type in the Target Search modal is journal or congress. Out of the box, some criteria have been added to the following fields on the the Default (PP_Default) metadata record:

    • Default Concept Target Search To Journal (mvn__PP_Default_Con_Tgt_Search_To_Journal__c)

    • Default Pln Bdt Target Search To Journal (mvn__PP_Default_Bdg_Tgt_Search_To_Journal__c)

    • Default Target Search To Journal (mvn__PP_Default_Target_Search_To_Journal__c)

    If you update the Pubs Global Setting custom metadata type or any of its metadata records, you must clear its cache for the changes to take effect. For information on how to clear the cache, reference Platform Cache.

  3. Click Search. Records that match the SOSL query will appear in the search results list view.

  4. On the left side of the search results list view, check the congresses or journals that you may want to add as targets. You can select up to three to compare and associate to the current annual plan, concept, or document.

  5. Click Review Selection. The modal will display the selected records side by side for you to review and compare.

  6. Select a priority for the records:

    • Not Included

    • Preferred

    • Alternate

    • Considered


    "Not Included" is selected by default. To open the rest of the modal fields for editing and enable the Save button, select a priority other than "Not Included." The Save button will automatically update and display in parentheses the total number of targets selected.

  7. Click the Primary toggle button to identify the congress or journal you primarily wish to target.

  8. Click Save. Target records that relate the selected congresses or journals with the current annual plan, concept, or document will be created and added to the current Proposed Targets or Targets related list.


You can configure the basic and advanced search layouts, the search result list view columns, and the selected results comparison fields of the Target Search modals.

Configure basic and advanced search layouts

To configure the basic and advanced search layouts in the Document Target Search modal, create or modify Layout Type (LY_Layout_Type__mdt) records. Each Layout Type record must be associated with one of the Layout (LY_Layout__mdt) records listed in Table 104, “Target search layout locations. The Layout custom metadata object manages the set of static locations in the product where Komodo Publications Planning layouts can display. For more instructions on how to configure Komodo Publications Planning layouts, visit Layout configuration.

Table 104. Target search layout locations


API name


Congress Search Basic


Layout used in the target basic search for the Congress fields when Congress is selected as the search option.

Journal Search Basic


Layout used in the target basic search when Journal is selected as the search option.

Target Search Congress Advanced


Layout used in the target advanced search for the Congress fields when Congress is selected as the search option.

Target Search Congress Location


Layout used in the target advanced search for the Congress Location fields when Congress is selected as the search option.

Target Search Journal Advanced


Layout used in the target advanced search for the Journal fields when Journal is selected as the search option.

Configure result list view columns

The Pubs Global Setting (PP_Global_Setting__mdt) specifies the field sets that control the search result list view columns on the Document Target Search modal. To configure the columns:

  1. Use the Pubs Global Setting (PP_Global_Setting__mdt) fields listed in the table below to specify the Congress and Journal field sets that should control the columns.

    Custom metadata type


    Out-of-the-box field value


    Pubs Global Setting

    Congress Search Field Set Name (mvn__PP_Congress_Search_Field_Set_Name__c)


    API name of the Congress field set that controls the columns in the search results list view of the Document Target Search modal.

    Pubs Global Setting

    Journal Search Field Set Name (mvn__PP_Journal_Search_Field_Set_Name__c)


    API name of the Journal field set that controls the columns in the search results list view of the Document Target Search modal.

  2. Add and remove fields from the specified Congress and Journal field sets.

Configure comparison fields

The Pubs Global Setting (PP_Global_Setting__mdt) specifies the field sets that appear on the Compare Targets / Link Targets screen of the Document Target Search modal. To configure the comparison fields:

  1. Use the Pubs Global Setting (PP_Global_Setting__mdt) fields listed in the table below to specify the field sets that are used to compare targets.

    Custom metadata type


    Out-of-the-box field value


    Pubs Global Setting

    Target Congress Compare Field Set Name (mvn__PP_Trgt_Congress_Compare_Field_Set_Name__c)


    The API name of the field set on the Target (mvn__PP_Target__c) object used to compare Congress (mvn__Congress__c) records on the Compare Targets / Link Targets screen of the Document Target Search modal. This field set appears above the field set specified in the Congress Compare Field Set Name field of the same metadata record.

    Pubs Global Setting

    Congress Compare Field Set Name (mvn__PP_Congress_Compare_Field_Set_Name__c)


    The API name of the field set on the Congress (mvn__Congress__c) object used to compare Congress records on the Compare Targets / Link Targets screen of the Document Target Search modal. This field set appears below the field set specified in the Target Congress Compare Field Set Name field of the same metadata record.

    Pubs Global Setting

    Target Journal Compare Field Set Name (mvn__PP_Target_Journal_Compare_Field_Set_Name__c)


    The API name of the field set on the Target (mvn__PP_Target__c) object used to compare Journal (mvn__PP_Journal__c) records on the Compare Targets / Link Targets screen of the Document Collaborator Search modal. This field set appears above the field set specified in the Journal Compare Field Set Name field of the same metadata record.

    Pubs Global Setting

    Journal Compare Field Set Name (mvn__PP_Journal_Compare_Field_Set_Name__c)


    The API name of the field set on the Journal (mvn__PP_Journal__c) object used to compare Journal records on the Compare Targets / Link Targets screen of the Document Target Search modal. This field set appears below the field set specified in the Target Journal Compare Field Set Name field of the same metadata record.

  2. Add and remove fields from the specified field sets.