Spring '24 release notes
This topic contains the release notes for the Spring '24 release of Komodo Publications Planning. The release notes are organized into these high-level sections:
Installation and upgrades – link to install and/or upgrade to the new version.
New features – new features and functionalities released in the new version.
Updated features – updated features and functionalities released in the new version.
Hotfixes – defects identified in the original Spring '24 release that were fixed via hotfix patches.
Defect fixes and maintenance – defects and maintenance items fixed in the new version.
Metadata changes – changes to the underlying data models, user permissions, or system configurations included in the new version.
Deprecated and deleted items – components of the product that have been deprecated, removed, or retired in the new version.
Required post-upgrade actions – required actions administrators must take after upgrading to the new version.
To identify if a feature request you made was included in this release, search these release notes for the work item number that Customer Support gave you. The release notes include a work item number for every new feature, updated feature, and defect fix.
For the release notes from earlier versions of Komodo Publications Planning, visit the Archive.
Installation and upgrades
The Komodo Publications Planning Spring '24 release can be installed with the Komodo Install Service at https://install.komodohealth.com/products/kpp/ New installs of Komodo Publications Planning will automatically be on the latest release while current customers must update their instance of Komodo Publications Planning to be on the latest release.
If you are a current customer with an existing instance of the Komodo Publications Planning product in your Salesforce environment, do not deploy the setup metadata again as they will overwrite your existing configurations.
If you are a current customer who uses the Collaborator Portal, you must also upgrade your instance of the Collaborator Portal. For more information, reference the Required post-upgrade actions section below.
New features
The new release of Komodo Publications Planning contains several new features whose functionalities are detailed below. Details about enablement and configuration are included within the product documentation.
Mute document and workflow task notifications
Users are now able to mute the notifications that are sent out for documents and workflow tasks. For document notifications, users assigned with document roles that have the Mute Notifications (CM_Mute_Notifications
) Permission (mvn__CM_Permission__mdt
) metadata record are able to mute system event notifications for a specific document type. This means that no document system event notifications will be sent out to any collaborators on the document, but workflow task notifications will continue to be sent. For workflow task notifications, users with access to the Notifications Muted (mvn__CM_Notifications_Muted__c
) field on the Activity object are able to mute notifications for a Task record in the Start Workflow and Edit Task modals. Task-level notification settings supersede document-level notification settings such that users can send task notifications for a document even if the document notifications are muted. For product documentation, reference System events and Tasks.
Related work item(s): PLTFM-2294, PLTFM-2295
Change Collaborator Portal versions in sandbox environments
Admin users can now change the version of the Collaborator Portal in sandbox environments. This allows them to try out the features in the latest version without having to upgrade the Collaborator Portal instance that is associated with their production Komodo Publications Planning Salesforce environment. For product documentation, reference Change Collaborator Portal versions in sandbox environments.
This is included in the Spring '24 Hotfix 2 ( release.
Related work item(s): MPP-2678
Updated features
The new release of Komodo Publications Planning also contains several improvements and optimizations to existing features and functionalities to better align with customer feedback and provide an enhanced user experience. Unless noted otherwise, all updated features are shipped "off" by default for existing customers and "on" by default for new customers.
Attach files to workflow task emails for internal users
Users are now able to attach files to workflow task email notifications for both internal and external document collaborators when starting workflows and tasks. Previously, users were only able to attach files for external document collaborators. This update allows internal task assignees to view tasks and files directly in their emails without having to log into Komodo Publications Planning. For product documentation, reference Attach files.
Related work item(s): PLTFM-2314
Edit metadata on checked out documents
Users with the Edit Metadata document permission are now able to modify the metadata on documents that are checked out. Previously, checked out documents were locked such that no user could edit the title, description, or other details on the documents. In the new release, admin users are able to check the new Enable Edit Metadata on Check Out (mvn__CM_Enable_Edit_Metadata_Checkout__c
) checkbox field on the Default MCM Global Setting (mvn__CM_Global_Setting__mdt
) metadata record so that any user with the Edit Metadata document permission can click Edit Details on checked out documents to edit the metadata. For product documentation, reference Fields.
Related work item(s): PLTFM-2473
Table 32, “Hotfix items” details defects identified in Komodo Publications Planning Spring '24 that were fixed via a hotfix patch. To update your Salesforce environment with the latest hotfix patch, reinstall Komodo Publications Planning Spring '24 at https://install.komodohealth.com/products/kpp/
Work item | Description | Fix/new behavior | Hotfix/patch version |
MPP-2401 | In certain scenarios, the batch job to provision new document collaborators failed to send out the welcome email required to set up Collaborator Portal accounts, so the external users were never created. Additionally, the batch job sometimes provisioned users but failed to update the document collaborator status from | When the batch job to provision new document collaborators is run, a welcome email is sent out to every user who needs to set up a Collaborator Portal account and the status for all provisioned users is set to | Spring '24 Hotfix 1 ( |
MPP-2431 | If a document was related to a publication plan and plan team members were configured to be automatically provisioned access to the document, duplicate document collaborators were created for some of the plan team members on the document in certain scenarios. Additionally, if an external document collaborator completed a task that initiated an auto-start workflow and the user who was assigned with the auto-start workflow task did not have the necessary document role to perform the task, a duplicate document collaborator could be created for the user to include the additional document role. NoteThe first issue was identified in KI-122. | Every user and plan team member will only have one Document Collaborator ( | |
MPP-2678 | Collaborator Portal versions can now be changed in sandbox environments. For more information, reference the Change Collaborator Portal versions in sandbox environments section above. NoteThis is not a defect but a new feature included in the hotfix release. | Spring '24 Hotfix 2 ( | |
MPP-2744 | When the Allow Relationship Attachment ( | If a user is automatically assigned files that exceed the file size limit but the Allow Relationship Attachment field is unchecked, the user can continue to advance through the Start Workflow modal. If a user is automatically assigned files that exceed the file size limit and the Allow Relationship Attachment field is checked, an error message will appear and prevent the user from advancing in the Start Workflow modal until they deselect the large files. |
Defect fixes and maintenance
Table 33, “Fixed items” details defects and maintenance items identified in Komodo Publications Planning Fall '24 that are fixed in Komodo Publications Planning Spring '24.
Work item | Description | New behavior |
MPP-2090, PLTFM-2243 | AuraHandlerException, the Apex exception class required to throw errors for Aura components, obscured errors in Lightning Web Components (LWCs). This caused "Script-thrown exception" to be the only error message to appear for LWC errors, which could be vague and confusing for users. | AuraHandlerException is removed for LWCs and users are able to see more relevant and informative error messages for errors in LWCs. |
MPP-2101 | For each publication in the Collaborator Portal, the Open in Office 365 button in the Download History tab downloaded document versions locally to the user's computer instead of opening the document versions in Office 365™. | The button has been renamed from "Open in Office 365" to "Download". |
MPP-2121 | Users who tried to view an Office 365™ document or who tried to open the Check Out Document modal for an Office 365™ document sometimes ran into a "List index out of bounds: 0" error message. This list exception error occurred when the Office 365™ integration was misconfigured because it assumed that an Office 365 Setting ( | The Office 365™ integration now checks to make sure an Office 365 Setting metadata record exists so that the list exception error no longer appears. If the Office 365™ integration is misconfigured and is missing an Office 365 Setting metadata record, users are not be able to check out the document in Office 365™. |
MPP-2122 | File formats for workflow attachments were not getting captured correctly. | Additional file mappings are provided out of the box to ensure that file formats for workflow attachments are captured correctly. For the list of file mappings that have been added, reference Table 38, “Modified custom metadata records”. |
MPP-2123 | When workflow tasks with attachments were assigned to more than one user, only the first user on the task would receive the attachments. | Every user assigned to workflow tasks with attachments will receive the attachments on the tasks. |
MPP-2144 | Users who tried to view archived Task records ran into an “Attempt to de-reference a null object” error message. NoteThis issue was previously identified in KI-112. | Archived Task records can now be viewed without errors. |
MPP-2237 | Out of the box, Komodo Publications Planning provided two email builders, | The two email builders have been merged so that |
MPP-2291 | When users assigned a workflow task, the task assignee would receive a notification about the task. However, when users reassigned the workflow task, the new task assignee would not receive any notifications. | Notifications will be sent to the new task assignee when a workflow task is reassigned. |
PLTFM-2063 | When users clicked on a picklist field, hovered over the options, and then clicked out of the field and dropdown, the dropdown remained expanded. This caused multiple picklist dropdowns to be open at the same time. The dropdowns only closed if the users selected a picklist option or if the users never hovered over any of the picklist options. | Picklist dropdowns now close when users move their mouse anywhere outside of the picklist field and dropdown. This means that only one picklist dropdown can be open at a time. |
PLTFM-2241 | The Severity ( | Additional log levels have been added as picklist values to the Severity field on the Debug Log object. |
PLTFM-2462 | When workflow tasks were assigned to 40 or more users, Komodo Publications Planning hit SOQL query limits and a "Too many SOQL queries" error message appeared. NoteThis issue was previously identified in KI-110. | Assigning workflow tasks to 40 or more users no longer hits SOQL query limits. The performance of adding multiple attachments to tasks with multiple users has also been improved. |
PLTFM-2472 | When users selected one or more related document files in the Start Workflow modal to be sent to external task assignees, the files were not always attached to the workflow task email notifications. NoteThis issue was previously identified in KI-113. | External document collaborators will receive all the selected file attachments in their workflow task email notifications. |
PLTFM-2549 | The Manage Sharing ( | Only users who have the Manage Sharing document permission are able to manage (e.g., delete) the roles of document collaborators on a document. |
Metadata changes
The following subsections capture the changes against entities in key areas of Komodo Publications Planning that have been introduced in the latest release. This list is not exhaustive, as it does not contain changes that are internal to the application and that are not exposed to customers for customization, extension, or integration.
Apex class changes are listed in the table below:
Work item | API name |
MPP-2237 | PP_TaskNotificationEmailBuilder |
Custom label changes are listed in the table below:
Work item | API name |
PLTFM-2294 | CM_Mute_Document_Level_Notifications CM_Mute_Notifications_Success CM_permission_mute_notifications CM_Unmute_Document_Level_Notifications CM_Unmute_Notifications_Success |
PLTFM-2295 | CM_Mute_Notifications |
Custom metadata type changes are listed in the tables below:
Work item | Custom metadata type | Field |
PLTFM-2473 | mvn__CM_Global_Setting__mdt | mvn__CM_Enable_Edit_Metadata_Checkout__c |
Work item | Custom metadata type | Metadata record name |
PLTFM-2294 | mvn__CM_Permission__mdt | CM_Mute_Notifications |
Work item | Custom metadata type | Metadata record name | Modification explanation |
MPP-2122 | mvn__SE_Attachment_File_Type_Mapping__mdt | SE_Default | The following file extensions have been added to the File Type Mapping (
Object changes are listed in the tables below:
Work item | Object | Field |
PLTFM-2294 | mvn__CM_Document__c | mvn__CM_Mute_Document_Level_Notifications__c |
PLTFM-2295 | Activity | mvn__CM_Notifications_Muted__c |
Work item | Object | Field | Modification description |
MPP-2122 | mvn__SE_Attachment_File_Type_Mapping__mdt | mvn__SE_File_Type_Mapping__c | The field has been relabeled from "File_Type Mapping" to "File Type Mapping". |
PLTFM-2241 | mvn__Debug_Log__c | mvn__Severity__c | The following picklist values have been added:
Permission changes are listed in the table below:
Work item | Permission set | Modification description |
PLTFM-2295 | CM_ContentAuthor CM_SystemAdmin PP_System_Admin | The permission sets have been modified to include read and edit access to the new Notifications Muted ( |
Deprecated and deleted items
The following entities have either been deprecated or deleted from the latest release of Komodo Publications Planning and will no longer be available or supported in future releases.
Work item | API name |
MPP-2237 | PP_TaskNotificationEmailBuilder |
Required post-upgrade actions
This section includes the required actions administrators must take after upgrading to the latest Komodo Publications Planning version.
Upgrade the Collaborator Portal
If you use Office 365™ in the Collaborator Portal, you must upgrade your Collaborator Portal in addition to upgrading the core Komodo Publications Planning product in your Salesforce environment. The Komodo Publications Planning product team must be notified in order to push the latest changes to your portal.
On your behalf, Komodo Health's delivery team will work with the Komodo Publications Planning product team to update your instance of the Collaborator Portal. You do not need to reach out to the product team directly.