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Milestones mark key stages in a document's lifecycle. Upon creation of documents, targets, or study documents, milestones are automatically created for that object based on administrator defined criteria. When Congress Location date fields are updated, removed, or added, the dates for related Milestones update automatically. Milestones are then automatically marked as complete when the administrator defined completion criteria is met.

In addition to helping track document progress, you can use milestones to help manage document budgets. Budget Line Items records are automatically generated when milestones are completed. These line items calculate the amount due per completion of the milestone.

Configure milestones

To configure milestones, create and modify records for these custom metadata objects:

  • Milestone Type - defines milestone templates. With this object, you can specify criteria for milestone creation and completion as well as deadlines for the milestone.

  • Service Level - defines payment amount structures for Plan Budget Line Item records, which are used to calculate the amount due for related Milestone records.

  • Milestone Service Level - connects a Milestone Type to a Service Level.

    Service Level entity relationship diagram

You may edit all Milestone Type, Milestone Service Level, and Service Level records that exist out-of-the-box. The API names for these records begin with PP_. Milestone metadata relationships maps the out-of-the-box metadata relationships for these configuration records.

Table 69. Milestone metadata relationships

Milestone type

Milestone service level

Service level

Publication - Approved

Approved - Flat-Fee - Full - 40%

Flat-Fee - Full 40%

Publication - Approved

Approved - Flat-Fee - Limited - 50%

Flat-Fee - Limited 50%

Publication - Published

Published - Flat-Fee - Full - 30%

Flat-Fee - Full 30%

Publication - Review Complete

Review Complete - Flat-Fee - Full - 30%

Flat-Fee - Full 30%

Publication - Review Complete

Review Complete - Flat-Fee - Limited-50%

Flat-Fee - Limited 50%

Publication - Review Complete

Review Complete - Flat-Fee - None - 100%

Flat-Fee - None 100%


The primary metadata objects used to store and manage milestones include: