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You can associate document versions to files and host the files either with Salesforce or externally.

Files entity relationship diagram

Supported file types

Komodo Publications Planning supports the file types that Salesforce supports. 2GB is the maximum supported file upload size. Files larger than 25MB may not be previewed and will need to be opened in another program. Visit Salesforce's documentation on File Size and Sharing Limits and Preview Files and Edit File Details.

File previews

File previews are generated for files hosted in Salesforce and displayed in the Preview tab on the document record page. The MCM-enhanced document viewer attempts to render all files. If the file does not meet the viewer's requirements, Salesforce's content previewer attempts to generate the preview.

Enhanced document viewer

The enhanced document viewer renders a preview of supported files and enables you to interact with the files. With PDF files, you can zoom in and out, search text, and copy and paste selected text. With video files, you can use the video timeline bar to play the videos from specific timestamps.

Enhanced document viewer

The enhanced document viewer only renders previews of files that meet these requirements:

  • The file must be a mvn__CM_Document_Version__c record.

  • The file size must be less than 2mb.

  • The file extension must be supported. Supported extensions include:

    • .pdf

    • .mp4

    • .mov

    • .ogg

    • .webm

If a document does not meet these requirements, Salesforce's content previewer attempts to render the document.

Regenerating a file preview

If you need to regenerate a file preview, visit Salesforce's Regenerate a File Preview documentation for instructions.

Salesforce's content previewer

Salesforce's content previewer can render both mvn__CM_Document_Version__c and ContentVersion files that meet Salesforce's specified criteria.

PDF renditions

PDF renditions are generated for doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, and pptx file extensions.

To download a PDF rendition when it is available, click the ArrowICON_Down.png menu in the File Details component, and then click Download PDF.

MCM document upload

If you do not like the PDF rendition that is generated, you can upload a Document Version Rendition. A rendition is a high quality, high fidelity file that you manually associate with a document version record and that usually takes the form of a PDF. Visit Renditions.

External files

Documents may also be associated to files hosted externally. To associate a new document to an external file, click External Link when creating a new document.


Komodo Publications Planning does not have version control for externally hosted files.

MCM New Document Modal