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Komodo Insights Component

The Komodo Insights Component (KIC) is a supplemental component to Medical Information Cloud. It adds value by surfacing key metrics from Komodo Health's Aperture and Iris products into a healthcare provider's profile.

The Medical Information Cloud product can also automatically route interaction inquiries through the appropriate interaction>request>response workflow using routing rules. These routing rules can be set up to help identify configurable cohorts of HCPs that are requesting information. For example, set up a rule that routes all HCPs that have been tagged as a "KOL" for your tier 2 support group. When an HCP associated with a given interaction meets the criteria of the routing rule, an icon can be configured to appear that alerts users to the interaction. The interaction can also be configured to be automatically assigned to a queue. If the routing criteria are met, the system will also prevent the Interaction from being assigned to another user or queue. Additionally, routing rules can automatically mark an Interaction as "urgent".


The Komodo Insights Component is included with Medical Information Cloud installations as of V13. For more information on installing the Komodo Insights Component, visit the Komodo Insights Component Get Started page.

Component setup

To install, follow these instructions on how to set up the Komodo Insights Component in your Medical Information Cloud instance.

Routing setup

Routing rules are configurable and, when applicable, mark Interactions as urgent and/or adds the interaction to a specific queue. Routing rules use the values of custom metadata fields to determine when and how rules are activated in the following ways:

Routing criteria:

  • Active/Inactive

  • Country

  • Therapy area

  • Tag (from Aperture or Iris)

  • Rule Priority

Rule output:

  • Interaction Queue

  • Interaction User (Owner)

  • Mark as Urgent

  • Assign Alert Icon

For those upgrading to V13, the Interaction (Case) object must be updated with the formulas below as they do not automatically update upon upgrade.

  • MED_Urgent_Flag__c

    IF(OR(MED_Urgent_Requests__c > 0, mvn__MED_Urgent__c), IMAGE("/resource/med_globalassets/icons/urgent_icon_20x20.png", "Urgent"), '')
  • MED_Alerts__c

    MED_Escalation_Flag__c & ' ' & MED_SLA_Flag__c & ' ' & MED_Urgent_Flag__c & ' ' & MED_Locked_Flag__c & ' ' & mvn__MED_Inquiry_Routing_Flag__c

Details for each metadata type are listed in the tables below.

Table 150. Custom metadata types

Metadata name

API name


Therapy Areas


Maps product therapy areas in Medical Information Cloud to Aperture therapy areas.

Routing Rules


Routes and/or marks urgent Interactions based on matching tags and therapy areas.

Table 151. Platform events

Platform event name

API name


Inquiry Routing Event


Event is published from new after insert and after update triggers on Requests and Interactions.

Table 152. Fields

Custom metadata type

Field label

Field API name


Insights Routing Rules

Routing Enabled


Configures whether insights routing is enabled or disabled. If enabled, it will publish inquiry routing events if the interaction/request meets the criteria for routing (the related Account has an NPI populated, and the Interaction was not created manually). The system will then apply the highest priority matching routing rule to the interaction if any are found.

Insights Routing Rules

Routing Account NPI Field


Configures which Account field to pull the NPI number from. Default is mvn__MED_Provider_Id__c.

Insights Routing Rules



Allows you to toggle the rule on or off.

Insights Routing Rules



Country code the rule applies to (e.g., selecting US for the rule ensures it applies to United States Interactions only).

Insights Routing Rules

Insights Therapy Area


Metadata relationships to Insights Therapy Areas (mvn__MED_Insights_Therapy_Areas__mdt) custom metadata type.

Insights Routing Rules

Rule Priority


Indicates the priority of this rule, with lower numbers taking higher priority.

Insights Routing Rules



The relevant Product Therapy Area tags for this routing rule, are delimited by new lines or semicolons.

Insights Routing Rules

Interaction Queue


The API name of the queue to route this interaction to (if the rule applies).

Insights Routing Rules

Interaction User


The username of the user to route this interaction to, found in the user's username field (if the rule applies).

Insights Routing Rules

Mark As Urgent


Marks the interaction as urgent if checked and the rule is applied.

Insights Routing Rules

Alert Icon


Image URL of an icon to display as an alert on the Interaction if rule is applied. Any of the stock Medical Information Cloud icons already uploaded as a static resource may be used. Alternatively, a custom image can be used by uploading it as a static resource.

Table 153. Named credential

Named credential



The org-wide named credential that, when employed, makes callouts to Aperture to retrieve tags for a therapy area or NPI. This named credential is retained during and after upgrades of the KH Insights package.


Admins must configure their own Named Credential, making sure to specify the API name in the new field.

Table 154. Interaction custom object fields

Field label

API name




Indicates this interaction is urgent as per configured KHBI routing rules.

Inquiry Routing Flag


Displays an image specified by the Inquiry Routing Flag Icon if it has been set.

Inquiry Routing Flag Icon


Image URL to use for the inquiry routing alert flag.