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Workspace tab relabeling

MIC - Console Config is an Aura Lightning component that displays a workspace tab label with the value of a specified formula field. To configure a workspace tab label in the Lightning App Builder, set values for the Tab Field Name and Default Tab Label on the component.

  • Tab Field Name - the name of the formula field used to determine the workspace tab label. If the Tab Field Name does not resolve with a valid value, the Default Tab Label sets the tab name.

  • Default Tab Label - the static text used to determine the workspace tab label if the Tab Field Name does not resolve with a valid value. If set, the exact text is set. Do not put a field name here, as the field name (not value), would appear.


    Komodo Health recommends setting the Tab Field Name to MED_Display_Name__c.

If Tab Field Name and Default Tab Label are not set, the tab label remains as the Salesforce determined one.

Example 7. Request record tab label

Sylvia Etup is Kalos Pharma's Medical Information Cloud Inquiry Management system administrator. At Kalos Pharma, Request record tab labels need to have this naming convention: [Short Question] - [Owner Name]. If there is no value for Short Question, the Request record tab label needs to display this format: [Requester Info] - [Owner Name].

To meet these requirements, Sylvia adds the MIC - Console Config component to the Request Lightning record page and configures the component per Table 122, “MIC - Console Config configuration. She adds Request as the Default Tab Label in case the Tab Field Name does not resolve with a valid value.

Table 122. MIC - Console Config configuration

Component field



Tab Field Name


IF(ISBLANK(MED_Short_Question__c),MED_Requester_Info__c, MED_Short_Question__c) + IF(ISBLANK(MED_Owner_Name_Formula__c),' ',' - ' + MED_Owner_Name_Formula__c)

Default Tab Label


N/A - this is exactly the text that will be display unmodified. If you put "Request" then the tab label will appear as "Request".

To test the configuration of Tab Field Name, Sylvia Etup creates an Interaction, adds Jane Smith as the Requester, and creates a Request record. Upon creation of the Request record, the Request tab label displays Jane Smith (HCP) - Sylvia Etup.

MIC - Console Config example

Sylvia then adds this question to the Request record: Can I use Victoza for a teenager? The tab label displays Can I use Victoza for a teenager? - Sylvia Etup.

MIC - Console Config example