Fulfillment Files List
The MIC - Fulfillment Files List component displays a list of all attachments for the current Fulfillment. With the component, users can download, delete, replace, and finalize documents. These actions are hidden from users when the parent Fulfillment is locked or when permissions prevent such modifications.
Implementation consideration
The Fulfillment Files List component only supports Salesforce Files. Before using the component, verify that DocGen is set to store attachments as Salesforce Files. If DocGen is set to store files as Salesforce Attachments, the Fulfillment Files List will not display files. For more information, see Nintex's Salesforce Files Storage Location documentation.
User workflows
From the Fulfillment Files List component, you can check out/in documents to either Microsoft 365™ or your local machine, finalize documents, and delete documents.
The terms "Office 365" and "Microsoft 365" are used interchangeably throughout the Medical Information Cloud product and this documentation. Therefore, some documentation will still reflect the older "Office 365" label.
Microsoft 365 workflows
Once the Microsoft 365 integration is configured, you can check out documents attached to a Fulfillment via the Fulfillment Files List component and edit the checked-out document in your browser. While it is checked out, the document and all changes made to the document are stored in an Amazon Web Services environment that Komodo Health maintains. If you make changes to the document and close the Microsoft 365 tab before checking in the document, you can reopen the checked-out document with all of your changes. For the changes to be saved in Medical Information Cloud, check in the document from the Fulfillment Files List component in Salesforce. If you cancel a checkout, all changes made to the document in Microsoft 365 are discarded.
The Medical Information Cloud product consumes the Microsoft 365 service as-is. Komodo Health makes no representations about the Microsoft 365 service and cannot guarantee the availability, reliability, privacy, or security of the Microsoft 365 service. Komodo Health has limited abilities to support and monitor the Microsoft 365 service. By using the Microsoft 365 integration, you agree to utilize the Microsoft 365 service as-is and agree to absolve Komodo Health of any and all liability that you or any person or entity associated with you may incur as a result of utilizing the Microsoft 365 service.
To checkout a document in Microsoft 365:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the document that you want to want to check out.
Click Check Out Document. The Check Out Document modal opens.
Select Check Out in Microsoft 365.
Click Check Out. The modal closes, and in the Fulfillment Files List component, a Lock icon displays in the Title field of the checked-out document.
After checking out a document listed in the Fulfillment Files List component to Microsoft 365, you can open the checked-out document in a Microsoft 365 browser tab and edit the document. To open the document in a Microsoft 365 browser tab:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the document that you want to open in a Microsoft 365 browser tab.
Click Open In Microsoft 365. A Microsoft 365 tab with the checked-out document opens in your browser.
Once you have finished making changes to the Fulfillment document, use the Fulfillment Files List component to check in the Fulfillment document. To check in the Fulfillment document:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the document that you want to check in.
Click Check in From Microsoft 365. The document is checked back in, and the Lock icon is removed from the Title field of the checked-in document.
Local workflows
With the Fulfillment Files List component, you can check out a document attached to a Fulfillment, download the checked-out document, make edits to the document on your local machine, and then check in the document by uploading the revised document version.
To checkout a document locally:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the document that you want to want to check out.
Click Check Out Document. The Check Out Document modal opens.
Select Check Out for Download.
Click Check Out. The modal closes, and in the Fulfillment Files List component, a Lock icon displays in the Title field of the checked-out document
After locally checking out a Fulfillment document, you can download and edit the checked-out document. To download the checked-out document:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the checked-out document that you want to download.
Click Download. The file downloads to your computer.
Once downloaded, you can edit the checked-out document on your computer.
Once you have finished making changes to the Fulfillment document, use the Fulfillment Files List component to check in the Fulfillment document. To check in the Fulfillment document:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the checked-out document that you want to check in.
Click Check In. The Upload File modal opens.
Upload the revised document. Upload options include:
Click Upload Files, and select the revised document.
Drag and drop the revised document into the modal.
The Upload Files modal opens and displays a upload progress bar for the file you attached.
Click Done once the file finishes uploading. The document is checked back in, and the Lock icon is removed from the Title field of the checked-in document.
Finalize a document
To finalize a document:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the document that you want to finalize.
Click Finalize.
Cancel a checkout
To cancel a checkout:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the checked-out document that you want to cancel the checkout.
Click Cancel Checkout. The checkout is canceled, and the Lock icon is removed from the Title field of the checked-in document.
Delete a document
To delete a document:
Click the Arrow menu in the row of the checked-out document that you want to delete.
Click Delete. The document is removed from the Fulfillment Files List component.
Custom labels
You can use the Salesforce Translation Workbench to configure the displayed text values of the labels listed in Table 117, “Fulfillment Files List custom labels”.
Label name | Description |
MED_Delete_Button | Label for the Delete button, which users click to delete the file from the Fulfillment Package. |
MED_Download_Link | Label for the Download button, which users click to download the file. |
MED_Finalize_Link | Label for the Finalize button, which users click to finalize the file. |
MED_No_Records_to_Display | Label for the message that displays when there are no records. |
MED_Processing_Text | Label for the message that shows in the actions menu when a document is being converted to a PDF by DocGen. |
MED_Replace_Link | Label for the Replace button, which users click to replace a file with another file. |
MED_Cancel_Button | Label for the Cancel button, which users click to cancel an operation. |
MED_Empty_Request_Documents_List | Label for the message that displays when there are no documents. |
MED_Confirm_Delete | Label for the confirm delete message, which asks users if they are sure they want to delete a file from the Fulfillment Package. |
MED_Delete_Title | Label for the title of the delete confirmation pop-up window, which asks users if they are sure they want to delete a file from the Fulfillment Package. |
MED_Loading_Message | Label for alt-text for the loading spinner. |