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Layout configuration

Layouts define the metadata fields that render when displaying forms and other user interface elements. Through layouts, Medical Information Cloud captures and displays both complex and simple metadata types in a user-friendly way. You can configure Medical Information Cloud layouts for supported objects using one of these methods:

Both configuration methods use LY_Layout_Type__mdt records to associate layouts to static locations in the product and to set criteria that determine when the layouts display. The LY_Layout__mdt custom metadata object manages the set of static locations in the product where Medical Information Cloud layouts can appear.

Configuration considerations

Keep these considerations in mind when configuring Medical Information Cloud layouts:

  • Do not use standard Salesforce layouts to configure Medical Information Cloud layouts. Instead, use one of the methods outlined on this page to configure them.

  • Use only one method per LY_Layout_Type__mdt record. When deciding which method to use, consider:

  • Medical Information Cloud supports these objects for layout configuration:

    • Document Version (mvn__CM_Document_Version__c)

    • Task (Task)

Configuration using standard field sets

The standard field sets method uses SObject field sets to control the fields that appear on layouts. To use this method to configure a layout:

  1. Create a SObject field set that contains all of the fields that should be part of the layout.


    Field sets that include fields through a lookup or master-detail relationship are not supported. Only direct fields are supported.


    Picklist values are filtered based on the record type of the SObject being displayed.

  2. Create a LY_Layout_Type_mdt record. Key fields include:

    • LY_Field_Set_Name__c - enter the API name of the field set you created in the previous step.

    • LY_Criteria__c - enter the JSON criteria used to determine when this LY_Layout_Type__mdt record should be used. The criteria can include Congress, Document Version, Journal, Task, and Record Type fields.

      Example 26. CM_Document_Version__r criteria
        "path": "task.mvn__CM_Document_Version__r.mvn__CM_Document_Subtype__c",
        "operator": "equals",
        "value": "CM_FAQ"

      Example 27. RecordType criteria
        "path": "task.RecordType.DeveloperName",
        "operator": "equals",
        "value": "CM_Approval"

    • LY_Layout__c - lookup and associate a LY_Layout__mdt record to this LY_Layout_Type__mdt record. Each LY_Layout__mdt record specifies a static location in the product where the layout will display when the LY_Criteria__c is met. For a list of product locations, visit Layout locations and Task layout locations.

    Visit Layout Type.

Configuration using Layout Field records

The Layout Field records method uses LY_Layout_Field__mdt records to control the fields that display on layouts. To use this method to configure a layout:

  1. Create a LY_Layout_Type_mdt record. Key fields include:

    • LY_Criteria__c - enter the JSON criteria used to determine when this LY_Layout_Type__mdt record should be used. The criteria can include Congress, Document Version, Journal, Task, and Record Type fields.

      Example 28. CM_Document_Version__r criteria
        "path": "task.mvn__CM_Document_Version__r.mvn__CM_Document_Subtype__c",
        "operator": "equals",
        "value": "CM_FAQ"

      Example 29. RecordType criteria
        "path": "task.RecordType.DeveloperName",
        "operator": "equals",
        "value": "CM_Approval"

    • LY_Layout__c - lookup and associate a LY_Layout__mdt record to this LY_Layout_Type__mdt record. Each LY_Layout__mdt record specifies a static location in the product where the layout will display when the LY_Criteria__c is met. For a list of product locations, visit Document layout locations and Task layout locations.

    • LY_Field_Set_Name__c - leave null.

    Visit Layout Type.

  2. Ensure all SObject fields that you want to include on the layout have a corresponding LY_Field__mdt record. If a field does not have a corresponding LY_Field__mdt record, create a LY_Field__mdt record that points to that field. Key fields include:

    • LY_SObject__c - enter the API name of the SObject that contains the field that you want to display on the layout.

    • LY_Field_API_Name__c - enter the API name of the SObject field that you want to display on the layout.


    Geolocation fields are not supported.


    Layouts respect the field length configuration of the corresponding Salesforce field.

    Visit Field.

  3. (Optional) Create a LY_Layout_Section__mdt record for every section that you want on the layout. Key fields include:

    • LY_Custom_Label_API_Name__c - enter header text for the section.

    • LY_Order__c - enter the order in which the section should appear on the layout.

    • LY_Layout_Type__c - look up and associate the LY_Layout_Type__mdt record that you created in step 1 to this LY_Layout_Type__mdt record.

    Visit Layout Section.

  4. Create a LY_Layout_Field__mdt record for each field that should display on the layout. Key fields include:

    • mvn__LY_Layout_Type__c - lookup and associate the LY_Layout_Type__mdt record that you created in step 1 with this LY_Layout_Type__mdt record.

    • mvn__LY_Field__c - lookup and associate the appropriate LY_Field__mdt record with this LY_Layout_Type__mdt record.

    • (Optional) LY_Layout_Section__c - enter the DeveloperName of the LY_Layout_Section__mdt that you want the field to be in. Layout Fields not associated with a section are automatically placed in a section at the bottom of the layout.

    Visit Layout Field.

Layout editor toolbar

For each layout, the layout editor toolbar identifies the layout type in use and provides a way for you to refresh the layout and open the relevant layout type custom metadata record in a new browser tab. The layout editor toolbar displays when you hover over the top right corner of a layout.


The LY_Layout_Editor custom permission grants access to the layout editor toolbar.


The primary metadata used to manage document layouts include:

Layouts entity relationship diagram
  • Field (mvn__LY_Field__mdt) - manages fields. Every record is a pointer to a custom field defined on LY_Document_Version__c and can be displayed in a Layout.

  • Layout (mvn__LY_Layout__mdt) - manages layouts. Each Layout record refers to a specific location in the application.

  • Layout Fact (mvn__LY_Layout_Fact__mdt) - articulates how the rules engine should process layout criteria (mvn__LY_Layout_Type__mdt.mvn__LY_Criteria__c) for custom and standard objects.

  • Layout Field (mvn__LY_Layout_Field__mdt) - connects the Layout Type and Field custom metadata types. Layout Field records control which fields appear on a layout.

  • Layout Section (mvn__LY_Layout_Section__mdt) - groups fields on a layout into sections. Layout Section records are associated to Layout Type (LY_Layout_Type__mdt) and Layout Field (LY_Layout_Field__mdt) records. Associated Layout Type records determine when a section should be used and connect the section to a Layout (mvn__LY_Layout__mdt), and associated Layout Field records define the fields that are part of a section. Layout Field records not associated with a section are automatically placed in a section at the bottom of the layout.

  • Layout Type (mvn__LY_Layout_Type__mdt) - displays and captures data specific to the type of document or task being managed. For example, since FAQs and Corporate documents have different metadata requirements, you can configure the LY_Document_Edit_Metadata layout to render the FAQ_Edit_Metadata layout type for FAQ document types and the Corporate_Edit_Metadata layout type for Corporate document types. In other words, LY_Layout_Type__mdt records determine when layout types should be used.