Task records are to-do items assigned to specific users.
Special Considerations
Keep the following considerations in mind when working with tasks:
A Task is a standard Salesforce object. Visit Salesforce's Task documentation.
Once electronic signature is enabled, it is required for all workflow tasks.
To view a list view of all your tasks, navigate to the Tasks tab.
The workflow user interface denotes delegated approvers for tasks in two ways. In the Start Workflow modal, the delegated approver's name displays in parenthesis after the originally assigned user, and once the task has been reassigned to the delegated approver, the task owner name displays as
<Delegated approver> on behalf of <originally assigned user>
. In the screenshots below,Pamela Content Author
is the originally assigned user, andCharles Content Author
is the delegated approver.
Task types
There are three types of Medical Information Cloud Content Management tasks:
Approval (
) - review task that requires you to Approve or Reject the document. To progress a document through a workflow, Medical Information Cloud Content Management creates and assigns an Approval task to a user that is assigned an Approval activity during a workflow stage. Approval tasks can only be created through workflows. View Workflows.General (
) - general to-do task. During advanced publishing of a document, you can create General tasks for owners of related documents. General tasks can only be created during advanced publishing.Review (
) - review task for documents. To progress a document through a workflow, Medical Information Cloud Content Management creates and assigns a Review task to a user that is assigned a General activity during a workflow stage. Review tasks can only be created through workflows. View Workflows.
You can manually create non-Medical Information Cloud Content Management task records if your Salesforce instance uses task record types that are not native to Medical Information Cloud Content Management. Medical Information Cloud Content Management task records can only be created through workflows and during advanced publishing.
Task layouts
You can configure task layouts to display in specific locations of the product. Specifically, you can create or modify Layout (LY_Layout__Type__mdt
) records to set the criteria that determine when a layout should be used and then associate these records to product locations (LY_Layout__mdt
records). For information on how to configure layouts, visit Layout configuration.
Task layout locations
Task layouts are managed using the Layout (LY_Layout__mdt
) custom metadata type. Each layout record specifies a specific location in the Medical Information Cloud product. Task layout locations include:
- the second form that appears when creating a new task. It captures metadata specific to the Task being created, such as the Assigned User and Due Date. The Start Workflow modal uses this layout.Note
The Assigned User and Due Date fields are hardcoded and are not configurable for this Task layout location.
- the final form that appears when creating a new task. It displays a read-only list of fields relevant to the Task being created. The Start Workflow modal uses this layout.Note
The Assigned User and Due Date fields are hardcoded and are not configurable for this Task layout location.
- a read-only layout that shows the Workflow history for a document record. The MCM - Activity Tile component uses this layout.CM_Task_Completion
- the form that appears in the Task Completion modal. With this layout, you can mark a Task as complete.CM_Task_Detail
- a read-only layout that shows the full list of metadata fields for a Task. The Task Detail View Form component uses this layout.CM_Task_Header
- a read-only layout that shows important metadata for a Task. The Task Detail Header component uses this layout.
Task layout field sets
Out-of-the-box, Medical Information Cloud uses the Task field sets listed below to control the fields that appear on task layouts. You can add or remove fields from these field sets.
mvn__CM_Task_Completion_Fields_Default - the default fields used by the
layout when completing a task.mvn__CM_Task_Detail_Layout - the fields that displayed in the
layout.mvn__CM_Task_Detail_View_Form - the task detail view form for tasks.
mvn__CM_Task_Electronic_Signature - the fields to be displayed when electronic signature is required in the environment.
mvn__CM_Task_Header_Layout - the set of fields used by the
layout.mvn__CM_Task_Publish_Document_Form - the form for creating tasks for related Documents.
mvn__CM_Task_Start_Workflow_Layout - used in the
and theCM_Task_Start_Workflow_Confirm
layouts.mvn__CM_Task_Tile_Layout - the set of fields displayed in the
Picklist values are filtered based on the record type of the Task being displayed.
Table 137, “Task layout location configuration” maps the Task layout relationships that exist out-of-the-box between Task field sets, LY_Layout__mdt
records, and LY_Layout_Type__mdt
records. LY_Layout__mdt
records specify the location in the product where the layout should appear, and LY_Layout_Type__mdt
records set the criteria that determine when layouts should appear.
LY_Layout__mdt | LY_Layout_Type__mdt | Task field set |
CM_Task_Completion | CM_Task_Completion_Default | mvn__CM_Task_Completion_Fields_Default |
CM_Task_Detail | CM_Task_Detail_Default | mvn__CM_Task_Detail_Layout |
CM_Task_Header | CM_Task_Header_Default | mvn__CM_Task_Header_Layout |
CM_Task_Start_Workflow_Assignment | CM_Task_Start_Workflow_Asgmt_Default | mvn__CM_Task_Start_Workflow_Layout |
CM_Task_Start_Workflow_Confirm | CM_Task_Start_Workflow_Confirm_Default | mvn__CM_Task_Start_Workflow_Layout |
CM_Task_Tile | CM_Task_Tile_Default | mvn__CM_Task_Tile_Layout |
Cancel tasks
A user can cancel a workflow task when one of these conditions are met:
The user is the owner of the document.
The user is the creator of the workflow.
The user has the
custom permission. This permission is part of theCM_SystemAdmin
permission set.
Even when one of the above conditions is met, users cannot cancel workflow tasks in two situations. These exceptions include:
The task being canceled is the only non-canceled task of a required workflow stage activity.
The task being canceled is the only non-canceled task of the workflow stage.
Disable email notifications
Email notifications for tasks are configured with the System Event (mvn__SE_System_Event__mdt
) custom metadata type and can be enabled, disabled, or muted with the Notifications Muted (mvn__CM_Notifications_Muted__c
) checkbox field on the Activity object.
To enable or disable email notifications for a Medical Information Cloud Content Management task that is not related to a workflow, add the Notifications Muted (mvn.CM_Notifications_Muted
) field to the associated page layout and check the checkbox accordingly.
To stop sending email notifications to users when either general tasks or workflow tasks are assigned, deactivate the Workflow Task Assignment (CM_Workflow_Task_Assignment
) System Event Configuration (mvn__SE_System_Event_Configuration__mdt
) custom metadata record.
To mute all email notifications for a workflow task, ensure that the assigned permission set has read and edit access to the Notifications Muted field on the Activity object and check the Mute Notifications checkbox in either the Start Workflow modal or the Edit Task modal. If notifications have been muted for the document, then this checkbox will already be checked in the Start Workflow modal. However, the task-level notification setting will supersede any document-level notification settings that have been configured. In other words, if a document's system event notifications are muted and the task-level notifications are therefore also muted by default, users can still uncheck the Mute Notifications checkbox in the Start Workflow modal or at a later time in the Edit Task modal. This would ensure that task assignees are still notified about the task assignment and any updates to the task despite the muted document-level notifications. For more information about system events and muting document system event notifications, reference System events.
The primary metadata used to manage tasks include:
Activity (
) - store task data is the Task standard object. The Task object inherits all of its fields from the Activity standard object. For more information on the Task object, visit Salesforce's documentation.Layout (
) - manages layouts. Each Layout record refers to a specific location in the application.Layout Type (
) - displays and captures data specific to the type of document or task being managed. For example, since FAQs and Corporate documents have different metadata requirements, you can configure theLY_Document_Edit_Metadata
layout to render theFAQ_Edit_Metadata
layout type for FAQ document types and theCorporate_Edit_Metadata
layout type for Corporate document types. In other words,LY_Layout_Type__mdt
records determine when layout types should be used