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Users and permissions

Every individual who needs to log into Komodo Care Connect must have their own credentials. Only users with the System Administrator profile have the permission to create new users, and they should do so according to the following guidelines.

Create a new user

To create a new user for Komodo Care Connect:

  1. Create a new Salesforce user (if the user does not already exist in Salesforce). Visit Salesforce's documentation on View and Manage Users.

    Table 83. User creation details



    User License

    Select Salesforce.


    Reference Table 86, “Profiles.


    Set to True.

    Flow User

    Set to True.

    Service Cloud User

    Set to True.

    Quick Access Menu

    Set to False for end users.


    Set to United States to drive the default Country value in Account Search.

    Time Zone

    Set the user’s time zone based on their working location.


    Set to English (United States) to ensure dates will display in U.S. format.

  2. After the Salesforce user is created, assign the user the appropriate permission set group(s), permission set(s), queue(s), and/or public group(s).

Create a new integration user

To create a new integration user to use features like electronic prescription enrollment (eRX) and request for missing information:


The following steps provide guidance on how to create a new user with the minimum required access for integration features. However, any user in Komodo Care Connect can utilize the integration features as long as they are assigned the appropriate permission set license(s) and permission set(s) listed in Table 85, “Integration user permission assignment below.

  1. Create a new Salesforce user (if the user does not already exist in Salesforce). Visit Salesforce's documentation on View and Manage Users.

    Table 84. Integration user creation details



    User License

    Select Salesforce Integration.


    Select Minimum Access - API Only Integrations.


    Set to True.

    Service Cloud User

    Set to True.

    Quick Access Menu

    Set to False.

    Time Zone

    Set the integration user’s time zone based on their working location.


    Set to English (United States) to ensure dates will display in U.S. format.

  2. After the Salesforce user is created, assign the integration user the Salesforce API Integration permission set license.

  3. In addition to the Salesforce API Integration permission set license, assign the integration user the required feature-specific permission set license(s) and/or permission set(s).

    Table 85. Integration user permission assignment


    Permission set license(s)

    Permission set(s)

    Electronic prescription enrollment (eRX)

    • Health Cloud

    • Health Cloud Platform

    • Health Cloud Foundation

    • Health Cloud Member Services

    • Health Cloud Permission Set License

    • Health Cloud Standard (clone)


      You cannot directly assign the Health Cloud Standard permission set to an integration user and will encounter an error if you try to do so. This is because the out-of-the-box Health Cloud Standard permission set includes access to Visualforce pages, which integration users cannot be granted. To bypass the permission conflict:

      1. Clone the out-of-the-box Health Cloud Standard permission set.

      2. Modify the clone to remove all of the enabled Visualforce pages.

      3. Assign the clone to the integration user.

    • KCC - Feature - eRx Integration User (PJN_KCC_Feature_eRx_Integration_User)

    Request for missing information

    • KCC - Integration - Missing Information (PJN_Integration_Missing_Information)


A profile defines how a user accesses objects and data. Each user can only be assigned one profile. For more information, reference Salesforce's documentation on Profiles.

Table 86. Profiles



KCC - PS User

A template profile for a general user in Komodo Care Connect.


The KCC - PS User profile includes access to the Patient (PJN_Patient) Account record type. Access to all other Account record types are managed by permission sets.


Komodo Care Connect ships with this profile out of the box. However, this profile should not be assigned to users. Instead, this profile should only be used as a template to create custom profiles. To create and assign a custom profile, you may clone this profile and modify the cloned profile as needed. Reference Customization guidelines for more details.

Permission sets

A permission set is a discrete collection of permissions provided to specific users in a Salesforce environment. For more information, reference Salesforce's documentation on Permission Sets.


Access to every Komodo Care Connect Account record type is managed by permission sets, except for the Patient (PJN_Patient) record type, which is managed by the KCC - PS User profile. This is because the Patient record type is a foundational account type for patient services use cases. A custom profile should be created, modified, and assigned to users who should not be able to create patient accounts.


The permission set framework was redesigned with the release of Komodo Care Connect V2 to better organize administrative, read-only, and standard user access to specific features, functionality, and records within the product. For information on the permission sets in Komodo Care Connect V1, reference V1 permission sets.

All of the permission sets from Komodo Care Connect V1 have been deprecated in Komodo Care Connect V2, except for the Komodo DocuSign Permissions (DocuSign_OneClick_Permissions) permission set, which has been relabeled to "Komodo - DocuSign Permissions" in V2.

With the redesigned permission set framework, Komodo Health recommends assigning users permission set groups instead of permission sets to ensure that users have the appropriate access to Komodo Care Connect functionality. Users should only be assigned individual permission sets that grant them access to specific features outside of the permission set groups. For the list of permission set groups that Komodo Care Connect provides and that should be copied to be assigned to users, reference Table 88, “Permission set groups.

Table 87. Permission sets


API name


KCC - Admin - Account Management


Enables admin users to create and manage accounts and contact information.

KCC - Admin - Consent


Enables admin users to manage consent.

KCC - Admin - Events


Enables admin users to create additional event types, including pharmacy status update events.

KCC - Admin - Programs


Enables admin users to manage care programs.

KCC - Admin - Request Missing Information


Grants admin users access to the request for missing information functionality.

KCC - Admin - Specialty Pharmacy Round Robin


Enables admin users to manage the specialty pharmacy round robin functionality.

KCC - Admin - Timeline


Enables admin users to manage the Timeline subtab.

KCC - Admin - Zip to Team


Grants admin users access to the Zip to Team (mvn__PJN_Zip_To_Team__c) object and fields.

KCC - Admin - ePA


Enables admin users to manage the electronic prior authorization (ePA) functionality.

KCC - Feature - All Care Plans


Enables admin users to manage all care plans.

KCC - Feature - Data Change Request


Grants users access to the data change request (DCR) framework.

KCC - Feature - Electronic PA


Grants users access to the electronic prior authorization (ePA) functionality.

KCC - Feature - eRX Integration User


Grants integration users access to the necessary classes, objects, and fields for the electronic prescription enrollment (eRX) feature.

KCC - Feature - Marketing Consent


Grants users access to the marketing consent and lead patient conversion functionality.

KCC - Feature - Missing Information


Grants users access to the missing information functionality.

KCC - Feature - PAP eIncome Verification


Enables users to use the Financial Clearing House API to evaluate PAP income eligibility.

KCC - Feature - Patient Merge Requests


Enables users to create patient merge requests.

KCC - Feature - Patient Merge Tool


Grants users access to the patient merge tool.

KCC - Feature - Program Visualizer


Grants users access to the Program Visualizer.

KCC - Feature - eBV


Grants users access to the electronic benefits verification (eBV) functionality.

KCC - Integration - Missing Information


Grants integration users access to the request for missing information functionality.

KCC - Read Only - Account Management


Grants read-only access to accounts and contact information.

KCC - Read Only - Activities


Grants read-only access to activities.

KCC - Read Only - Assistance Programs


Grants read-only access to assistance programs.

KCC - Read Only - Benefits and Coverage


Grants read-only access to benefits and coverage.

KCC - Read Only - Care Plan


Grants read-only access to care plans.

KCC - Read Only - Consent


Grants read-only access to consent.

KCC - Read Only - Events


Grants read-only access to events.

KCC - Read Only - Fulfillment Requests


Grants read-only access to fulfillment requests.

KCC - Read Only - Medical History


Grants read-only access to the medical history functionality.

KCC - Read Only - Prescriptions


Grants read-only access to prescriptions.

KCC - Read Only - Shipments


Grants read-only access to shipments.

KCC - User - Account Management


Grants standard access to accounts and contact information.

KCC - User - Activities


Grants standard access to activities.

KCC - User - Assistance Programs


Grants standard access to assistance programs.

KCC - User - Benefits and Coverage


Grants standard access to benefits and coverage.

KCC - User - Care Plan


Grants standard access to care plans.

KCC - User - Consent


Grants standard access to consent.

KCC - User - Events


Grants standard access to events.

KCC - User - Fulfillment Requests


Grants standard access to fulfillment requests.

KCC - User - Medical History


Grants standard access to the medical history functionality.

KCC - User - Prescriptions


Grants standard access to prescriptions.

KCC - User - Request Missing Information


Grants standard access to request for missing information.

KCC - User - Requests


Grants standard access to requests.

KCC - User - Specialty Pharmacy Round Robin


Grants standard access to the specialty pharmacy round robin functionality.

Komodo - DocuSign Permissions


Grants users access to the classes and objects required to use the DocuSign integration.

Komodo - Feature - Document Editing Permissions


Grants users access to the classes in the mvn-document-editing package as well as the document transformation functionality.

Permission set groups

Komodo Care Connect ships with the following permission set groups. For more information, reference Salesforce's documentation on Permission Set Groups.


The following out-of-the-box permission set groups should only be used for reference and should not be assigned to users or modified directly. Instead, Komodo Health recommends creating copies of the following permission set groups and assigning or modifying the copies as needed.

Table 88. Permission set groups


API name


Permission sets

Muting permission set

MVN Admin


Contains the permission sets for an admin user. Users with the permission sets in this permission set group can customize, configure, and extend the product. They must also be assigned the permission sets in the MVN User (MVN_User) permission set group to view, add, and edit the data inside the product.

  • Health Cloud Admin (HealthCloudGA__HealthCloudAdmin)

  • KCC - Admin - Account Management (PJN_Admin_Account_Management)

  • KCC - Admin - Consent (PJN_Admin_Consent)

  • KCC - Admin - Events (PJN_Admin_Events)

  • KCC - Admin - Programs (PJN_Admin_Programs)

  • KCC - Admin - Request Missing Information (PJN_Admin_Request_Missing_Information)

  • KCC - Admin - Specialty Pharmacy Round Robin (PJN_Admin_Specialty_Pharmacy_Round_Robin)

  • KCC - Admin - Timeline (PJN_Admin_Timeline)

  • KCC - Admin - Zip to Team (PJN_Admin_Zip_to_Team)

  • KCC - Feature - Patient Merge Tool (PJN_Feature_Patient_Merge_Tool)

  • KCC - Feature - Program Visualizer (PJN_Program_Builder)

MVN Read Only User


Contains the permission sets for a read-only user. Users with the permission sets in this permission set group can only view the data inside the product and cannot add or edit any of the data.

  • Aura-Enabled Apex Class Access for Health Cloud (HealthCloudGA__HealthCloudApexAuraAccess)

  • KCC - Feature - All Care Plans (PJN_Feature_All_Care_Plans)

  • KCC - Feature - Missing Information (PJN_Feature_Missing_Information)

  • KCC - Read Only - Account Management (PJN_Read_Only_Account_Management)

  • KCC - Read Only - Activities (PJN_Read_Only_Activities)

  • KCC - Read Only - Assistance Programs (PJN_Read_Only_Assistance_Programs)

  • KCC - Read Only - Benefits and Coverage (PJN_Read_Only_Benefits_and_Coverage)

  • KCC - Read Only - Care Plan (PJN_Read_Only_Care_Plan)

  • KCC - Read Only - Consent (PJN_Read_Only_Consent)

  • KCC - Read Only - Events (PJN_Read_Only_Events)

  • KCC - Read Only - Fulfillment Requests (PJN_Read_Only_Fulfillment_Requests)

  • KCC - Read Only - Medical History (PJN_Read_Only_Medical_History)

  • KCC - Read Only - Prescriptions (PJN_Read_Prescriptions)

  • KCC - Read Only - Shipments (PJN_Read_Only_Shipments)

  • MVN_Read_Only_User_Muted

MVN User


Contains the permissions sets for a standard user. Users with the permission sets in this permission set group can view, add, and edit the data inside the product.

  • Aura-Enabled Apex Class Access for Health Cloud (HealthCloudGA__HealthCloudApexAuraAccess)

  • KCC - Feature - All Care Plans (PJN_Feature_All_Care_Plans)

  • KCC - Feature - Missing Information (PJN_Feature_Missing_Information)

  • KCC - Feature - Patient Merge Requests (PJN_Feature_Patient_Merge_Requests)

  • KCC - Read Only - Shipments (PJN_Read_Only_Shipments)

  • KCC - User - Account Management (PJN_User_Account_Management)

  • KCC - User - Activities (PJN_User_Activities)

  • KCC - User - Assistance Programs (PJN_User_Assistance_Programs)

  • KCC - User - Benefits and Coverage (PJN_User_Benefits_and_Coverage)

  • KCC - User - Care Plan (PJN_User_Care_Plan)

  • KCC - User - Consent (PJN_User_Consent)

  • KCC - User - Events (PJN_User_Events)

  • KCC - User - Fulfillment Requests (PJN_User_Fulfillment_Requests)

  • KCC - User - Medical History (PJN_KUser_Medical_History)

  • KCC - User - Prescriptions (PJN_User_Prescriptions)

  • KCC - User - Request Missing Information (PJN_User_Request_Missing_Information)

  • KCC - User - Requests (PJN_User_Requests)

  • KCC - User - Specialty Pharmacy Round Robin (PJN_User_Specialty_Pharmacy_Round_Robin)

  • MVN_User_Muted

Komodo Care Connect User


Contains all baseline permission sets for Komodo Care Connect V1.


This permission set group has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

Muting permission sets

Komodo Care Connect ships with the following muting permission sets. For more information, reference Salesforce's documentation on Muting Permission Sets.


The following out-of-the-box muting permission sets should only be used for reference and should not be added to custom permission set groups or modified directly. Instead, Komodo Health recommends creating copies of the following muting permission sets and using or modifying the copies as needed.

Table 89. Muting permission sets

Permission set group


API name



MVN - Read Only User - Muted


Prevents non-admin users from accessing the Health Cloud Console and Worklist applications.


MVN - User - Muted


Health Cloud permission sets and licenses

Komodo Care Connect ships with the following permission sets and permission set licenses from Salesforce Health Cloud. For more information, reference Salesforce's documentation on how to Assign Health Cloud Permissions Sets and Permission Set Licenses.

Table 90. Health Cloud permission sets and licenses

Permission set

Permission set license

Aura-Enabled Apex Class Access for Health Cloud


This permission set is required for all users in Komodo Care Connect V2 and is included in both the MVN Read Only User (MVN_Read_Only_User) permission set group as well as the MVN User (MVN_User) permission set group. This permission set is not required for users in Komodo Care Connect V1.

Health Cloud Admin


This permission set is included in the MVN Admin (MVN_Admin) permission set group.

Health Cloud Foundation

Health Cloud Platform

Health Cloud Member Services

Health Cloud Platform

Health Cloud Permission Set License

Health Cloud

Health Cloud Standard

Custom permissions

Komodo Care Connect ships with the following custom permissions. For more information, reference Salesforce's documentation on Custom Permissions.

Table 91. Custom permissions


API name


Delete Notes


Enables users to delete notes.

Show Close Case Button


Enables users to close activities and requests.

V1 permission sets


Komodo Care Connect V1 ships with multiple permission sets. However, only PJN_Editable_Permissions should be updated for customer-specific needs. All other PJN_ permission sets should not be changed. Reference Customization guidelines for more details.


All of the permission sets from Komodo Care Connect V1 have been deprecated in Komodo Care Connect V2, except for the Komodo DocuSign Permissions (DocuSign_OneClick_Permissions) permission set, which has been relabeled to "Komodo - DocuSign Permissions" in V2.

Table 92. Permission sets (Komodo Care Connect V1)


API name


KCC - Admin Permissions


Grants admins access to configure multiple integrations.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - API Enabled


Grants users access to Komodo Care Connect via APIs and to external tooling such as the Salesforce Dataloader.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Assistance Programs


Enables users to create and edit Assistance Programs for PAP, Quick Start, and more.


Komodo Care Connect also ships with a KCC - Assistance Program (PJN_Assistance_Program) permission set. However, Komodo Health recommends using this KCC - Assistance Programs permission set instead of the KCC - Assistance Program permission set.


Both this KCC - Assistance Programs permission set and the KCC - Assistance Program permission set have been deprecated as of V2 and are only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Base Permissions Core


Grants users the baseline permissions for core Komodo Care Connect functionality.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Base Permissions Mapping Engine


Grants admins the baseline permissions for using the Mapping Engine, including the PJN_MappingEngine Apex class.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Coverage Investigation


Enables users to capture the details and outcomes of a coverage investigation.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Data Change Request


Enables users to use the data change request (DCR) functionality.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Defer Sharing Calculations


Grants admins access to the Defer Sharing Calculation feature so that calculations can be suspended temporarily and then resumed during an organization's maintenance period. This feature helps avoid long sharing rule evaluations or timeouts and is often only granted to users who run deployment or build scripts.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Editable Permissions


Grants users the baseline permissions for all PJN_ fields and objects.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.


This permission set is editable such that permissions for fundamental Komodo Care Connect components in this permission set can be modified or removed. For settings that are not already controlled by this permission set, Komodo Health recommends creating a new custom permission set.

KCC - Manage Encryption Keys


Enables the system to manage Shield encryption keys.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Medical History


Grants users to Medical History objects.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Medical History Admin


Enables users to view and edit Metric Groups, Metric Types, etc.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - PAP eIncome Verification


Enables eIncome Verification for PAP enrollments using the PJN Financial Clearing House API.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Patient Merge Tool


Grants users access to the Patient Merge Tool.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - Program Visualizer


Grants users access to the Program Visualizer.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

KCC - SP Round Robin Admin


Enables privileged users to create relationships between Payers/Programs and Specialty Pharmacies as well as access APIs and external tooling such as the Salesforce Dataloader, all of which are required for the SP Round Robin functionality.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.



Grants users access to electronic benefits verification (eBV) related functionality.


This permission set has been deprecated as of V2 and is only available in V1.3.0 and below.

Komodo DocuSign Permissions


Grants users access to the classes and objects required to use the DocuSign integration.


A queue grants multiple users access to a single record. Members of a queue can then take ownership of that record.


Komodo Care Connect provides the following queue in the initial installation script. The PJN_ queue can be modified. Reference Customization guidelines for more details.

Table 93. Queues


API name


Inbound Fax Queue


Owns Request (Case) records that are created via email-to-case.

Public groups

A public group grants all of its users the same data visibility such that users inherit membership to queues and access to records via sharing rules. For more information, reference Salesforce's documentation on What Is a Group.

Users have to be manually added to a public group. In Komodo Care Connect, users who need access to a specific program must be manually added to the public group for that program.