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Document layout locations

Layouts define the metadata fields that render when displaying forms and other user interface elements. Through layouts, Komodo Publications Planning captures and displays both complex and simple metadata types in a user-friendly way. Document layouts use SOSL queries to search across child relationship fields. This means that child relationship field searches (e.g. Product field searches) may return non-name field matches.

You can configure the document layouts that display in specific locations of the product by creating or modifying Layout Type (LY_Layout_Type__mdt) records. A Layout Type record sets the criteria that determines when a layout should be used and associates the record to a product location (LY_Layout__mdt record).

Layout (LY_Layout__mdt) records manage what fields display in specific locations of the Komodo Publications Planning product. For documents, Layout records control the layouts for these primary locations:

  • Document Wizard - the single point-of-entry for creating and cloning documents.

  • Document Detail Page - the landing page for a document.

  • Document Search Form - the component that displays when searching for a document from the documents tab or when adding document relationships.

For more information, visit Layout configuration.

Document Wizard

The document wizard is the single point-of-entry for creating and cloning documents. It contains three steps:

  1. Upload and classification

  2. Metadata definition

  3. Confirmation

For each step, you can configure which layouts display. Layouts used in the document wizard respect default mvn__CM_Document_Version__c field values. The document wizard does not support default values for some fields, such as mvn__CM_Region__cmvn__CM_Product__c, as well as dependent picklists. For instructions on how to set default values, visit Salesforce's Default Field Values documentation.

Document Wizard Main

CM_Document_Wizard_Main is the first form the user sees when creating and cloning documents. It captures high-level classification of a document so that the next step of the wizard can display a form relevant to that document’s type, subtype, and classification.


Do not modify CM_Document_Wizard_Main. If you remove the Title, Document Type, Document Subtype, and Classification fields from CM_Document_Wizard_Main, the Document Wizard will not know what form to display in the next step.

CM_Document_Wizard_Main is associated to two CM_Layout_Type__mdt records:

  • CM_Document_Wizard_Main_All - the first form that displays when creating a new document version.

    Doc wizard Main
  • CM_Document_Wizard_Main_Clone - the first form that displays when cloning an existing document version.

    Doc wizard clone

Document Wizard Detail

PP_Default_Document_Wizard_Detail is the form displayed in the second step of the document wizard. It captures metadata specific to the type of document being created. For example, the FAQ document type may have Question and Answer fields that are not relevant to any other document type.

Doc wizard step 2

Document Wizard Confirm

PP_Default_Document_Wizard_Confirm is the form displayed in the third and final step of the document wizard. It displays a read-only list of fields relevant to the document the user is creating.

Doc wizard confirm

Document Detail Page

The document detail page is the landing page for a document. There are four locations where layouts can be configured.

Document Highlights

PP_Pub_Document_Detail_Highlights is a read-only layout that displays important metadata for a document.

document details highlights

Document Detail

PP_Pub_Document_Detail is a read-only layout that displays the full list of metadata fields for a document.

Document detail page

Document Edit Metadata

PP_Pub_Document_Edit is the form displayed when editing a document’s metadata. It should include all fields relevant to the document type.

Edit Document Details modal

Document Version History Details

The PP_Default_Document_Version_History layout type is used to display details about each version of a document. Both the cmDocumentVersionHistory and the ppDocumentVersionHistory Lightning components can be added to a page layout to open the Version Details modal and display the PP_Default_Document_Version_History layout type. However, the ppDocumentVersionHistory component provides an additional revision activity section that shows the completed tasks related to the Document Version record (Task.mvn__CM_Document_Version__c), including the task's owner, subject (Task.Subject), comments (Task.Comments), completed date (Task.mvn__PP_Completed_Date__c), and uploaded files.

Document Revision Activity component

There are two versions of the Document Revision Activity (ppDocumentVersionHistory) component. The first version provides a feed-like view of the completed tasks. Users can navigate to the related tasks by clicking the dropdown arrow and then View Task. The second version provides an enhanced timeline view where users can sort the document revisions by completed date, filter by record type or owner via the ppDocumentVersionHistoryFilter Lightning component, and bulk download the revision files to review feedback from document collaborators. In this version, users can view additional details about each task by expanding on it or navigate to the task by clicking directly on the task name. To configure the fields that appear when a task is expanded, use the Task Version History Detail (mvn__PP_Task_Version_History_Detail) field set on the Task standard object.

Table 105, “Document Revision Activity (cmDocumentVersionHistory) component versions below shows the two different user interfaces. You can switch between the two versions via the Enhanced Doc Revision History (mvn__PP_Enhanced_Doc_Revision_History__c) field on the Pubs Global Setting (mvn__PP_Global_Setting__mdt) custom metadata type.


Remember to clear the ppDefault cache after making changes to the Pubs Global Setting custom metadata type. For more information, reference Platform Cache.

Table 105. Document Revision Activity (cmDocumentVersionHistory) component versions

Version 1: Original feed view

Version 2: Enhanced timeline view

Version Detail History modal

Document Preview

PP_Pub_Document_Preview is used as a preview for document versions that do not have a related file.

document preview

Rearranging components

To rearrange components on the document detail page:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Lightning App Builder.

  2. Clone the Lightning Page named PP_Document_Record_Page.


    PP_Document_Document_Record_Page is considered internal system metadata and should not be edited directly.

  3. Rearrange the components as desired.

  4. Save the page.

  5. Activate the page as desired.

Document Search

The document search component displays on the documents tab when searching for a document or when creating a list view. The search filters are configurable using the CM_Document_Search_Detail layout.

Document Search Detail

Fields on CM_Document_Search_Detail are used as document search filters. The layout is used in two places within the application:

  • Advanced document search form

    Document search
  • New list view form

    New list view


The primary metadata used to manage document layouts are as follows: