The glossary defines key terminology that the Komodo Publications Planning product documentation utilizes.
- Annual Plan
Annual Plan records facilitate and manage the deliverables and budget for a Publication Plan. Annual Plan records track Documents, Line Items, and Line Item Payments, which calculate the remaining budget.
- Chatter
An application to collaborate, communicate, and share information about a record. All Chatter content for a record is posted to the record's Chatter feed. You can use the Chatter publisher to contribute to the feed. If enabled for system events, system event notifications automatically post to a record's Chatter feed when the system events occur.
- Concept
Concepts are user submitted publication ideas related to a product and/or study. Concepts can be associated to a Publication Plan and an Annual Plan. Concept requests can be converted in to a publication document or rejected.
- Dashboard
A collection of reports and charts that you can view on the same page. Each chart on a dashboard represents a different report. Komodo Publications Planning supports standard Salesforce dashboard functionality.
- Document
A fundamental object of Komodo Publications Planning consisting of Publication or Supporting Document metadata. A document can have many associated document versions, and each document version can have a different file associated to it.
- Document Activity
The history of a document version. There are two types of history:
Workflow History - the workflows and tasks for the document.
Audit Log History - the System events history for the document.
- Document Roles
The function or capacity in which a user or group of users can act on a document. By themselves, roles do not provide users or groups of users permission to perform actions. Only when they are combined with document states and permissions do they grant access to documents. The four system roles are approver, owner, reviewer, and viewer.
- Electronic signature
A code that you must enter to verify your identity when completing a task.
- Milestone
An action item that needs to be completed by specified deadlines for a Document to move through its lifecycle.
- Objective
The non-promotional, scientific goal of an Annual Plan.
- Publication Plan
A publication plan organizes the materials and activities of a publication team, including related publication documents, concepts, and annual plan details, for a given Scientific Publication Committee (SPC).
- Report
Presents data that you specify in visually understandable formats. Komodo Publications Planning supports standard Salesforce reporting for all Komodo Publications Planning objects, such as Document, Document Version, Workflow Instance, Workflow Instance Stage, and Workflow Instance Document.
- System Events
System events are identifiable system actions, such as the creation of a document, the status change of a document, and the end of a workflow. Significant system events are output to channels depending on configuration.
- Target
The journal or congress that a Document aims to be submitted to.
- Task
To-do items assigned to users to progress a document through a workflow.
- Workflow
A document process in Komodo Publications Planning . When a document enters a workflow, it progresses through a series of stages as tasks are completed.