Debug logs
With debug logs, you can gather and view runtime diagnostic information about users, Apex classes, and Apex triggers to help troubleshoot problems in your environment. Komodo Health offers its own debug logs separate from Salesforce's debug logs. To learn more about Salesforce's debug logs, visit Salesforce's Monitor Debug Logs documentation.
Debug log storage
The Debug Log (mvn__Debug_Log__c
) custom object stores application warnings and error logs. For a list of Debug Log fields, visit Debug Log.
Change log level
The Logger Settings (mvn__Logger_Settings__mdt
) custom metadata type enables you to set the debug log level and whether logs publish platform events. The log level of a debug log specifies the amount of information to include in that debug log. The CM_Default
Logger Settings record controls the log level of mvn__Debug_Log__c
To change the log level of mvn__Debug_Log__c
Navigate to the Logger Settings records list.
In the Quick Find box in Setup, search for and select Custom Metadata Types.
In the Logger Settings row, click Manage Records.
In the Default row, click Edit.
Select a different Log Level.
Click Save.
For a list of Logger Settings fields, visit Logger Settings.