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Picklists in the Add Collaborator wizard appear to be hidden

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The picklists in the final screen of the Add Collaborator wizard open behind the footer of the wizard. This means that if there is more than one picklist option, the additional picklist options appear to be hidden by the wizard. However, users can still scroll down inside the wizard (but outside of the picklist dropdown) to view and select the additional picklist options.

Affects version(s)

Fall '24

Impacted capabilities


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a new or existing Document record.

  2. On the Document record, navigate to the Collaborators tab.

  3. In the Document Collaborators related list, click New.

  4. Search for a document collaborator.

  5. Click Create New Contact.

  6. Navigate through the Add Collaborator wizard.

    1. Select a type of contact and click Next.

    2. Enter the details of the new document collaborator and click Next.

    3. Try to select a role and status for the new document collaborator. Notice how the Role and Status picklists open behind the footer of the wizard such that some of the picklist options are hidden.


To view and select the picklist options that appear to be hidden in the final screen of the Add Collaborator wizard, ensure that your cursor is inside the wizard but outside the picklist dropdown and then scroll down. The rest of the picklist options will then appear.

Fix version

Fall '24 Hotfix 2 (

Resolution notes

Fix version can be installed through the Komodo Install Service.