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Schedulable jobs

Each batch job is contained within its own Apex class and needs to be scheduled for execution. The following jobs are available:

Table 112. Schedulable jobs

Apex class name




Clears the metadataAPI partition every hour.

System.schedule('CM_Cache_Task_Metadata_Job', '0 0 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_CacheSObjectMetadataSchedulable('Task'));


Cancels documents that have been checked out to Microsoft 365 for 180 days or more.


Komodo Health recommends running the CM_CheckOutExpirationSchedulable job alongside this CM_CancelExpiredCheckedOutDocumentsBatch job to be notified about documents that are about to hit the 180-day limit in Microsoft 365. This is because once documents are checked out to Microsoft 365 for 180 days or more, they become "expired" and are no longer accessible.

System.schedule('CM_CancelExpiredCheckedOutDocumentsBatch', '0 0 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_CancelExpiredCheckedOutDocumentsBatch());


Sends email notifications to users who have checked out Document Version records that are about to expire in Microsoft 365. The email notifications will be sent out 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 day(s) before the document version expires in Microsoft 365 (i.e., 160, 170, 175, 176, 177, 178, and 179 days after the document version was initially checked out to Microsoft 365).

System.schedule('CM_CheckOutExpirationSchedulable', '0 0 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_CheckOutExpirationSchedulable());


Publishes pending documents scheduled for publication.

System.schedule('CM_Scheduled_Publish_Job_1', '0 0 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_ScheduledPublishJob());
System.schedule('CM_Scheduled_Publish_Job_2', '0 10 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_ScheduledPublishJob());
System.schedule('CM_Scheduled_Publish_Job_3', '0 20 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_ScheduledPublishJob());
System.schedule('CM_Scheduled_Publish_Job_4', '0 30 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_ScheduledPublishJob());
System.schedule('CM_Scheduled_Publish_Job_5', '0 40 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_ScheduledPublishJob());
System.schedule('CM_Scheduled_Publish_Job_6', '0 50 * * * ?', new mvn.CM_ScheduledPublishJob());


Deletes orphaned Content Document records from the Closed Task API.

System.schedule('Delete Orphaned ContentDocument', '0 0 13 * * ?', new mvn.PP_DeleteOrphanedContentDocuments());


Handles scheduled batches of new user requests.

System.schedule('New User Request Hourly Batch Job', '0 0 * * * ?', new mvn.PP_NewUserRequestSchedulable());