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Criteria definition

Komodo Publications Planning’s layouts, workflows, and sharing rules use customer-defined criteria to determine which layouts to display, which workflows are available to documents, and how/when to transition workflows.

Criteria fields

The contents of criteria fields should be a valid JSON document with the following structure:

    "path":"<object>.<field API name>",


Path is a reference to an attribute that you want to base the criteria on, e.g. documentVersion.mvn__CM_Title__c or

Path for Layout Type and Workflow

When building layout type and workflow criteria, the path property is a reference to any field on CM_Document_Version__c using dot notation where documentVersion is the name of the object, e.g. documentVersion.<field API name>.

    "path":"documentVersion.<field API name>",
    "value":"<document version value>"


Relationships are not supported. For example, documentVersion.Owner.Name generates a runtime exception.

Visit Layout configuration and Workflows.

Path for Workflow Stage Transition

When building workflow stage transition criteria, the path property must reference the event, documentVersion, and/or task object using dot notation. Visit Workflow Stage Transition criteria examples.

    "path":"<object>.<field API name>",

Path for Document Sharing Rule

When building Document Sharing Rule criteria, the path property must reference the documentVersion, product, or region object using dot notation. Visit Document Sharing Rule criteria examples and Document Sharing Rule Groups.

    "path":"<object>.<field API name>",


The operator specifies how the path relates to the value. The value of the operator property must be one of the following:

  • Includes

  • IsNull

  • IsNotNull

  • isTrue

  • isFalse

  • Equals

  • NotEquals

  • Contains

  • NotContains

  • GreaterThan

  • GreaterThanOrEqualTo

  • LessThan

  • LessThanOrEqualTo


Certain operators (isNull, isNotNull, isTrue, isFalse) do not require a corresponding value property.


Contains and NotContains are both case sensitive.


The value is the desired value of the path that you want to base the criteria on.

Value for Layout Type and Workflow

When building layout type and workflow criteria, the value of the value property is the desired CM_Document_Version__c field value.


When referencing picklist fields, the value property must reference the API value of the picklist field and not the label.

Visit Layout configuration and Workflows.

Value for Workflow Stage Transition

When building workflow stage transition criteria, the value of the value property is the desired value of the path. Valid enums for event.type include:

  • SingleTaskCompleted - published when a single non-approval workflow activity for the current stage has been completed.

  • AllTasksCompleted - published when all non-approval workflow activities for the current stage have been completed.

  • SingleReviewerApproved - published when the first reviewer marks their activity as Approved.

  • AllReviewersApproved - published when all reviewers have marked their activities as Approved.

  • SingleReviewerRejected - published when a single reviewer has marked their activity as Rejected.

  • AllReviewersRejected - published when all reviewers have marked their activities as Rejected.

Visit Workflow Stage Transition criteria examples.

Wildcard condition

To match any field value, a wildcard (*) can be used. The following criteria will match any CM_Type__c value:


Compound criteria

To build more complex rules, compound criteria may be used. There are two compound criteria operators:

  • AnyTrue

  • AllTrue

To build compound criteria, wrap individual criteria statements in compound criteria operators. The following example compound criteria will display the layout if the value of CM_Document_Version__c.CM_Type__c is equal to FAQ__c or Corporate__c:

    "AnyTrue": [     

Layout Type and Workflow criteria examples

Example 5. CM_Document_Version__c.CreatedDate is greater than 1/1/2019

Example 6. CM_Document_Version__c.CM_Is_Latest_Version__c is false

Example 7. CM_Document_Version__c.CM_Title__c contains "guide"

Example 8. CM_Document_Version__c.Major_Version_Number__c is greater than 1

Workflow Stage Transition criteria examples

Example 9. Transition when all reviewers have marked their assigned activities as Approved

Example 10. Compound criteria
  "AllTrue": [
      "path": "event.type",
      "operator": "Equals",
      "value": "AllTasksCompleted"
      "path": "documentVersion.mvn__CM_Document_Type__c",
      "operator": "Equals",
      "value": "CM_Internal_Document"
      "path": "task.KLS_Type__c",
      "operator": "Equals",
      "value": "KLS_Review"

Document Sharing Rule criteria examples

Example 11. Document Type criteria
    "path": "documentVersion.mvn__CM_Document_Type__c", 
    "operator": "Equals", 
    "value": "CM_Medical_Information" 

Example 12. Id criteria
    "path": "documentVersion.Id",
    "operator": "IsNotNull"

Example 13. AllTrue and AnyTrue operators
    "AllTrue": [
            "path": "documentVersion.KLS_Allowed_Users__c",
            "operator": "Contains",
            "value": "Frontline and Secondline"
            "AnyTrue": [
                    "path": "documentVersion.mvn__CM_Document_Relationships_1__r",
                    "operator": "Includes",
                    "value": {
                        "path": "MED_Product__r.Name",
                        "operator": "Equals",
                        "value": "All Products"
                    "path": "documentVersion.mvn__CM_Document_Relationships_1__r",
                    "operator": "Includes",
                    "value": {
                        "path": "MED_Product__r.KLS_Product_Sharing_Group__c",
                        "operator": "Equals",
                        "value": "Kalos"