Apex classes
This page provides information about the globally exposed Apex classes in Komodo Care Connect that you can reference and use.
The Account Search Interface (PJN_AccountSearchIntf
) Apex class defines the necessary methods to implement a search handler for Account Search and is implemented by the class called in the Account Search Result (PJN_AccountSearchResult
) constructor.
global interface PJN_AccountSearchIntf
Description | Returns |
This method returns the field on the Account record that contains the external ID that identifies the account in the external database system. |
SObjectField getAccountExternalIdField()
Description | Returns |
This method inserts an account from an external database system into Komodo Care Connect by creating a new Account record and any related Contact Information ( |
Id insertAccountDetails(PJN_AccountSearchResult searchResult)
Parameters | Type | Description |
searchResult | PJN_AccountSearchResult | The search result from an external database system that is used to create a new Account record. |
Description | Returns |
This method takes a search request to return a list of search results. The search request is an instance of the Account Search Request ( |
List<PJN_AccountSearchResult> search(PJN_AccountSearchRequest searchRequest)
Parameters | Type | Description |
searchRequest | PJN_AccountSearchRequest | The Account Search Request ( |
The Account Search Request (PJN_AccountSearchRequest
) Apex class represents a search performed in Account Search.
global with sharing class PJN_AccountSearchRequest
Description | Returns |
This method returns a list of the API names of the Account record types that was requested as filters in Account Search. NoteThis method is exposed to simplify unit testing. |
global List<String> getAccountRecordTypeNames()
Example |
List<String> accountRecordTypes = request.getAccountRecordTypeNames(); |
Description | Returns |
This method indicates whether or not the search was a Person Account search. |
global Boolean getIsPersonSearch()
Example |
Boolean isPersonSearch = request.getIsPersonSearch(); |
Description | Returns |
This method returns a list of all of the requested Account record types to be searched. |
global List<String> getRequestedAccountRecordTypeDeveloperNames()
Example |
List<String> requestedRecordTypes = request.getRequestedAccountRecordTypeDeveloperNames(); // the sample output could be PJN_Physician,MVN_Mastered_Physician |
Description | Returns |
This method returns a map of populated fields to values by SObjectType. |
global Map<SObjectType, Map<String, Object>> getSearchInfoByObjectType()
Example |
// retrieve the searched information Map<SObjectType, Map<String, Object>> searchInfoByObjectType = request.getSearchInfoByObjectType(); // parse out into separate maps Map<String, Object> populatedAccountFields = searchInfoByObjectType.get(Account.getSObjectType()); Map<String, Object> populatedContactInfoFields = searchInfoByObjectType.get(mvn__PJN_Contact_Information__c.getSObjectType()); |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the Account record on the Account Search request. NoteThis method is exposed to simplify unit testing. |
global PJN_AccountSearchRequest setAccount(Account account)
Example |
request = request.setAccount(new Account(FirstName='james')); |
Description | Returns |
This method specifies the list of Account record types to be searched. NoteThis method is exposed to simplify unit testing. |
global PJN_AccountSearchRequest setAccountRecordTypeNames(List<String> accountRecordTypeNames)
Example |
request = request.setAccountRecordTypeNames(new List<String>{'PJN_Patient', 'PJN_Consumer'}); |
Description | Returns |
This method sets specific field values on a Contact Information ( NoteThis method is exposed to simplify unit testing. |
global PJN_AccountSearchRequest setContactInfo(PJN_Contact_Information__c contactInfo)
Example |
request = request.setContactInfo(new mvn__PJN_Contact_Information__c(mvn__PJN_Phone__c='555-666-7777')); |
Description | Returns |
This method specifies if the search is a Person Account search. NoteThis method is exposed to simplify unit testing. |
global PJN_AccountSearchRequest setIsPersonSearch(Boolean isPersonSearch)
Example |
request = request.setIsPersonSearch(true); |
The Account Search Result (PJN_AccountSearchResult
) Apex class represents a single result returned from a search performed in Account Search.
global with sharing class PJN_AccountSearchResult
The setter classes implement the builder pattern to allow chaining calls.
Description |
This constructor initializes the class that will implement the Account Search Interface ( |
global PJN_AccountSearchResult(String searchClass)
Parameter | Type | Description |
searchClass | String | The name of the class that will implement the Account Search Interface ( |
Description | Returns |
This method adds contact information to the search result to be displayed. |
global PJN_AccountSearchResult addContactInfos(List<PJN_Contact_Information__c> contactInformation)
Parameters | Type | Description |
contactInformation | List<PJN_Contact_Information__c> | The list of Contact Information ( WarningThe Record Type ( |
Description | Returns |
This method returns the account that was set on the search result. |
global Account getAccount()
Description | Returns |
This method returns the external ID of the record of an implementation of the Account Search Interface ( |
global String getAccountExternalId()
Example |
Id extId = result.getAccountExternalId(); |
Description | Returns |
This method retrieves additional data from a search result that was stored via the setAdditionalData(key, additionalDataString) method. |
global String getAdditionalData(String key)
Parameters | Type | Description |
key | String | The key to retrieve the additional data that was stored. |
This method has been deprecated as of Komodo Care Connect V2.1.0.
Description | Returns |
This method returns a list of Contact Information ( |
global Map<Id, List<PJN_Contact_Information__c>> getContactInfoByRecTypeId()
Description | Returns |
This method returns the list of Contact Information ( |
global List<PJN_Contact_Information__c> getContactInfos()
Description | Returns |
This method sets the account on the search result. |
global PJN_AccountSearchResult setAccount(Account accountDetail)
Parameters | Type | Description |
accountDetail | Account | The Account record to be returned in the search result. WarningThe Account Record Type ( |
setAdditionalData(key, additionalDataString)
Description | Returns |
This method stores additional data in a search result so that the data can be retrieved at a later time. |
global PJN_AccountSearchResult setAdditionalData(String key, String additionalDataString)
Parameters | Type | Description |
key | String | The key to identify the additional data being stored. |
additionalDataString | String | The additional data to be stored. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the label on the menu option that a user would click on to select the search result. |
global PJN_AccountSearchResult setSelectResultActionLabel(String label)
Parameters | Type | Description |
label | String | The label of the menu option that selects the (external) search result. By default, this is "Select Account" when a user is relating an account to a Case record. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the label on the menu option that a user would click on to view the (external) search result. |
global PJN_AccountSearchResult setViewResultActionLabel(String label)
Parameters | Type | Description |
label | String | The label of the menu option that opens the (external) search result. By default, this is "View Details" when a user is searching for an account. |
This example demonstrates how to call and use the Account Search Result class and methods with a sample Account Search Interface (PJN_AccountSearchIntf
) implementation called PJN_AccountSearchDemoHdlr
List<mvn.PJN_AccountSearchResult> results = new List<mvn.PJN_AccountSearchResult>(); Account resultAccount = buildAccount(); List<mvn.PJN_Contact_Information__c> resultAccount = buildContactInfos(); results.add( new mvn.PJN_AccountSearchResult('PJN_AccountSearchDemoHdlr') .setAccount(resultAccount) .addContactInfos(resultAccount) .setViewResultActionLabel('Download External Physician') .setSelectResultActionLabel('Select External Physician') );
The Care Plan Activity Service (PJN_CarePlanActivityService
) global Apex class enables users to automatically create new activities via a trigger in a flow or via a batch job. For example, it can be used in a flow such that a time-based trigger on a record on a care plan automatically creates a new activity before an upcoming deadline. This global Apex class contains both an invocable method and an inner class with invocable variables. Reference the Activity Request (ActivityRequest
) inner class for more information.
global with sharing class PJN_CarePlanActivityService
Description | Returns |
This invocable method generates Activity ( |
@InvocableMethod global static List<Case> createActivities(List<ActivityRequest> activityRequests)
Parameter | Type | Description |
activityRequests | List<ActivityRequest> | The list of activity requests. Reference Activity Request ( |
This example demonstrates how to call and use the Care Plan Activity Service, including the Activity Request inner class.
mvn.PJN_CarePlanActivityService.ActivityRequest request = new mvn.PJN_CarePlanActivityService.ActivityRequest() .setCarePlanId(carePlan.Id) .setDescription('Activity Description') .setDueDate(Date.today().addDays(30)) .setOrigin('Email') .setOwnerId(carePlan.ownerId) .setPriority('High') .setSubject('Activity Subject') .setType('Outbound') .setStatus('Open') .createOnly(); // don't insert records List<mvn.PJN_CarePlanActivityService> requests = new List<mvn.PJN_CarePlanActivityService>(); requests.add(request); List<Case> activities = mvn.PJN_CarePlanActivityService.createActivities(requests); activities[0].CUST_custom_field__c = 'my custom value'; insert activities;
The Activity Request (ActivityRequest
) inner class for the Care Plan Activity Service (PJN_CarePlanActivityService
) global Apex class represents a request to create an activity.
global class ActivityRequest
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
carePlanId | Id | ✓ | The ID of the parent care plan. |
description | String | The description to set on the activity. | |
dueDate | Date | The due date to set on the activity. | |
insertActivity | Boolean | Indicates whether the activity should be inserted ( | |
origin | String | The origin to set on the activity. | |
ownerId | Id | The owner ID to set on the activity. If not provided, the value will be the care plan owner. | |
parentAccountId | Id | The account ID to set on the activity. If not provided, the value will be the care plan account. | |
priority | String | The priority to set on the activity. | |
recordTypeDeveloperName | String | The API name of the Case record type of the activity to be created. If not provided, the record type will be | |
status | String | The status to set on the activity. | |
subject | String | ✓ | The subject to set on the activity. |
type | String | The type to set on the activity. |
Description | Returns |
This method marks the activity request as an in-memory creation request only and therefore does not insert the activity. |
global ActivityRequest createOnly()
Description | Returns |
This method sets the parent care plan ID for the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setCarePlanId(Id carePlanId)
Parameter | Type | Description |
carePlanId | Id | The ID of the parent Care Plan ( |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the description of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setDescription(String description)
Parameter | Type | Description |
description | String | The description of the activity to be created. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the due date of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setDueDate(Date dueDate)
Parameter | Type | Description |
dueDate | Date | The due date of the activity to be created. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the origin of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setOrigin(String origin)
Parameter | Type | Description |
origin | String | The origin of the activity to be created. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the owner ID of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setOwnerId(Id ownerId)
Parameter | Type | Description |
ownerId | Id | The ID of the Owner ( |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the related account ID of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setParentAccountId(Id parentAccountId)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parentAccountId | Id | The ID of the related Account record of the activity to be created. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the priority of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setPriority(String priority)
Parameter | Type | Description |
priority | String | The priority level of the activity to be created. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the record type of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setRecordType(String recordTypeDeveloperName)
Parameter | Type | Description |
recordTypeDeveloperName | String | The API name of the Case record type to be created. If none is provided, |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the status of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setStatus(String status)
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | String | The status of the activity to be created. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the subject of the activity. |
global ActivityRequest setSubject(String subject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
subject | String | The subject of the activity to be created. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the type of activity. |
global ActivityRequest setType(String type)
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | String | The type of activity to be created. |
The Data Change Request Criteria Selector (PJN_DataChangeRequestCriteriaSelector
) global Apex class is a selector for the Data Change Request Criteria (mvn__PJN_Data_Change_Request_Criteria__mdt
) custom metadata type. It can be used with the Data Change Request Field Selector (PJN_DataChangeRequestFieldSelector
) global Apex class to mock the configuration of the data change request (DCR) framework in unit tests.
global with sharing class PJN_DataChangeRequestCriteriaSelector
setCriteriaForSObject(sObjectName, criteria)
Description | Returns |
This method sets the criteria to be returned for a given sObject. WarningThis method can only be used during test execution. | void |
global static void setCriteriaForSObject(String sObjectName, List<PJN_Data_Change_Request_Criteria__mdt> criteria)
Parameter | Type | Description |
sObjectName | String | The API name of the sObject to be tracked. |
criteria | List<PJN_Data_Change_Request_Criteria__mdt> | The list of mock Data Change Request Criteria ( |
This example demonstrates how to call and use the Data Change Request Criteria Selector Apex class.
mvn.PJN_DataChangeRequestCriteriaSelector.setCriteriaForSObject( 'Account', new List<mvn__PJN_Data_Change_Request_Criteria__mdt>{ new mvn__PJN_Data_Change_Request_Criteria__mdt(...) } );
The Data Change Request Field Selector (PJN_DataChangeRequestFieldSelector
) global Apex class is a selector for the Data Change Request Field (mvn__PJN_Data_Change_Request_Field__mdt
) custom metadata type. It can be used with the Data Change Request Criteria Selector (PJN_DataChangeRequestCriteriaSelector
) global Apex class to mock the configuration of the data change request (DCR) framework in unit tests.
global with sharing class PJN_DataChangeRequestFieldSelector
setFieldsForCriteriaId(criteriaId, fields)
Description | Returns |
This method sets the fields to be returned for a given data change request criteria. WarningThis method can only be used during test execution. | void |
global static void setFieldsForCriteriaId(Id criteriaId, List<PJN_Data_Change_Request_Field__mdt> fields)
Parameter | Type | Description |
criteriaId | Id | The ID of the parent Data Change Request Criteria ( |
fields | List<PJN_Data_Change_Request_Field__mdt> | The list of mock Data Change Request Field ( |
This example demonstrates how to call and use the Data Change Request Field Selector Apex class.
mvn.PJN_DataChangeRequestFieldSelector.setFieldsForCriteriaId( 'fakeCriteriaId', new List<mvn__PJN_Data_Change_Request_Field__mdt>{ new mvn__PJN_Data_Change_Request_Field__mdt(mvn__PJN_Field_API_Name__c = 'fakeField') } );
The Data Change Request Handler (PJN_DataChangeRequestHdlr
) global Apex class implements the Trigger Dispatcher Handler Interface (PJN_TriggerDispatcher.HandlerInterface
) to manage the data change request (DCR) framework and create Data Change Request (mvn__PJN_Data_Change_Request__c
) records accordingly. For more information, reference Data change requests (DCR).
global with sharing class PJN_DataChangeRequestHdlr
Description | Returns |
This method controls whether or not the DCR framework is active. | void |
global static void setEnabled(Boolean enabled)
Parameter | Type | Description |
enabled | Boolean | When |
The ePA Request (PJN_EpaRequest
) Apex class provides an API for generating a JSON string and creating a Prior Authorization (mvn__PJN_Prior_Authorization__c
) record on a Member Plan (mvn__PJN_Member_Plan__c
) record. This is used for the electronic prior authorization (ePA) functionality.
global with sharing class PJN_EpaRequest
Description |
This constructor generates a new ePA request for a specific Member Plan ( |
global PJN_EpaRequest(Id memberPlanId)
Parameter | Type | Description |
memberPlanId | Id | The ID of the Member Plan ( |
Exception |
mvn.PJN_EpaRequest.PJN_EpaRequestException |
addValueAtKeyPath(keyPathString, value)
Description | Returns |
This method formats the data to be sent to the ePA vendor into keys and values in accordance with the vendor's JSON structure. |
global PJN_EpaRequest addValueAtKeyPath(String keyPathString, String value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
keyPathString | String | The vendor's JSON key or path at which the value should be stored. |
value | String | The data or value to be stored. |
Example |
new PJN_EpaRequest('03x000000000123').addValueAtKeyPath('patient.firstName', 'James'); |
Description | Returns | ||||||||||||
This method returns a Prior Authorization (
global mvn__PJN_Prior_Authorization__c generateEpaRequest()
Description | Returns |
This method returns the current map of the key-value pairs that has been built. |
global Map<String, Object> getMappings()
This example demonstrates how to call and use the ePA Request class.
mvn__Prior_Authorization__c pa = new PJN_EpaRequest('03x000000000123') .addValueAtKeyPath('patient.firstName', 'James') .addValueAtKeyPath('patient.lastName', 'Dean') .addValueAtKeyPath('memberPlan.Id', '23456') .addValueAtKeyPath('memberPlan.Group', 'x34th') .generateEpaRequest();
This generates the following JSON string:
{ "patient": { "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Dean" }, "memberPlan": { "Id": "23456", "Group": "x34th" } }
The ePA Response (PJN_EpaResponse
) Apex class is a wrapper class to update a Prior Authorization (mvn__PJN_Prior_Authorization__c
) record with a vendor's response to an ePA request. This is used for the electronic prior authorization (ePA) functionality.
global with sharing class PJN_EpaResponse
Description |
This constructor generates a new ePA response. |
global PJN_EpaResponse()
approved(effectiveDate, expirationDate)
Description |
Returns |
This method should be used for when a vendor approves an ePA request and sets the the following values on the generated Prior Authorization (
global PJN_EpaResponse approved(Date effectiveDate, Date expirationDate)
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
effectiveDate |
Date |
The date that the prior authorization is effective from. |
expirationDate |
Date |
The date that the prior authorization expires. |
Description |
Returns |
This method sets the date that the vendor either approved or denied the ePA request on the generated Prior Authorization (
global PJN_EpaResponse decisionDate(Date decisionDate)
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
decisionDate |
Date |
The date that the prior authorization outcome was made. |
Description |
Returns |
This method should be used for when a vendor denies an ePA request and sets the the following values on the generated Prior Authorization (
global PJN_EpaResponse denied(String denialReasons)
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
denialReasons |
String |
The list of reasons that the prior authorization was denied. Each reason should be separated with a semicolon ( |
Description |
Returns |
This method returns the generated Prior Authorization ( |
global mvn__PJN_Prior_Authorization__c getPriorAuthForUpdate()
Description |
Returns |
This method sets the response JSON on the generated Prior Authorization (
PJN_EpaResponse |
global PJN_EpaResponse responseJSON(String responseJSON)
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
responseJSON |
String |
The JSON payload value that the vendor returned. |
This example demonstrates how to call and use the ePA Response class.
mvn__Prior_Authorization__c pa = new PJN_EpaResponse() .approved(Date.today(), Date.today().addDays(21)) .decisionDate(Date.today()) .responseJSON(jsonValue) .getPriorAuthForUpdate();
If the current day is November 1, 2023, this stamps the following values on the designated Prior Authorization (mvn__PJN_Prior_Authorization__c
) record:
Field label |
Stamped value |
Effective date |
Expiration date |
Decision date |
Outcome |
Status |
The ePA Vendor API Interface (PJN_EpaVendorApiIntf
) Apex class handles a vendor implementation for the electronic prior authorization (ePA) functionality.
global interface PJN_EpaVendorApiIntf
Description | Returns |
Implement this method so that it returns the name of the vendor that the implementation is for. The vendor name is then stamped on the Prior Authorization ( |
String getVendorName()
Description | Returns |
Implement this method so that it accepts the ID of a Member Plan ( |
mvn__PJN_Prior_Authorization__c submit(Id memberPlanId)
Parameter | Type | Description |
memberPlanId | Id | The ID of the Member Plan ( |
The Feature Activation Selector (FeatureActivationSelector
) global Apex class checks if a feature is enabled on the Feature Activation (mvn__Feature_Activation__mdt
) custom metadata type.
global with sharing class FeatureActivationSelector
Description | Returns |
This method checks if a feature is enabled on the Feature Activation ( | Boolean |
global static Boolean featureIsActive(String featureName)
Parameter | Type | Description |
featureName | String | The API name (i.e., the Feature Activation Name) of the feature to be checked. |
The Lead Convert Service (PJN_LeadConvertService
) global Apex class enables users to convert Lead records into Person Account records via a flow or from the PJN_LeadSearchHdlr handler. This global Apex class contains both an invocable method and an inner class with invocable variables. Reference the Lead Convert Request (LeadConvertRequest
) inner class for more information.
global with sharing class PJN_LeadConvertService
convertLead (leadId)
Description | Returns |
This method converts a lead into an account by taking a Lead record and returning a new Person Account record. |
global static Id convertLead(Id leadId)
Parameter | Type | Description |
leadId | Id | The single Lead record to be converted. |
Description | Returns |
This invocable method converts leads into accounts by taking a list of Lead records and returning a list of new Person Account records. WarningThis method has a bulk convert limit of 100 records. |
@InvocableMethod( label='KCC Lead Convert Service' description='Passing lead ids into this service will convert them to person accounts. Returns new AccountIds' ) global static List<Id> convertLeads(List<LeadConvertRequest> requests)
Parameter | Type | Description |
requests | List<LeadConvertRequest> | The list of Lead records to be converted. Reference Lead Convert Request ( |
The Lead Convert Request (LeadConvertRequest
) inner class for the Lead Convert Service (PJN_LeadConvertService
) global Apex class represents a Lead record to process.
global class LeadConvertRequest
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
leadId | Id | ✓ | The ID of the Lead record to process. |
The Mapping Engine (PJN_MappingEngine
) global Apex class maps and stamps values onto a record.
To use the Mapping Engine in Komodo Care Connect V1, admin users must be assigned the KCC - Base Permissions Mapping Engine (PJN_Base_Permissions_Mapping_Engine
) permission set.
global with sharing class PJN_MappingEngine
Description | Returns |
This method initiates the mapping engine for a configured mapping job. | void |
global void initiate(String jobName)
Parameter | Type | Description |
jobName | String | The API name of the mapping job to be run. |
run(sourceObjectIds, targetObject)
Description | Returns |
This method runs the mapping engine for a single target object. | A SObject that is the target object with the mapped values. |
global SObject run(Map<String, Id> sourceObjectIds, SObject targetObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
sourceObjectIds | Map<String, Id> | The API name of the source object and the ID of the specific record. |
targetObject | SObject | The API name of the target object. |
run(sourceObjectIds, targetObjects)
Description | Returns |
This method runs the mapping engine for multiple target objects. | The SObjects that are the target objects with the mapped values. |
global Map<String, SObject> run(Map<String, List<Id>> sourceObjectIds, List<SObject> targetObjects)
Parameter | Type | Description |
sourceObjectIds | Map<String, List<Id>> | The API name of the source object and the IDs of the specific records. |
targetObjects | List<SObject> | The API names of the target objects. |
Description | Returns |
This method sets the field to be used as a unique identifier for when the ID of the record is not necessarily available (e.g., Before Insert). | void |
global void setRecordIdentifierField(String idField)
Parameter | Type | Description |
idField | String | The API name of the field on the record to be used as the unique identifier in place of the ID. |
This example demonstrates how to call and use the Mapping Engine.
mvn.PJN_MappingEngine thisMappingEngine = new mvn.PJN_MappingEngine(); thisMappingEngine.initiate('<job-name>'); thisMappingEngine.run( new Map<String, Id> { 'careplan' => '<careplan-id>', 'patient' => '<patient-id>', 'careplanlabels' => '<careplan-id>' }, '<target-record-id>' );
The Trigger Dispatcher (PJN_TriggerDispatcher
) global Apex class enables the management of trigger handlers via custom metadata configurations. It also implements the Trigger Dispatcher Handler Interface (PJN_TriggerDispatcher.HandlerInterface
global with sharing class PJN_TriggerDispatcher
To use the Trigger Dispatcher Apex class:
Create a custom class for the Trigger Handler Setting (
) custom metadata type and cast the desired object into a list. Reference the Trigger Dispatcher Handler Interface example.Create a Trigger Handler Setting metadata record.
Create a trigger for the target object. Reference the Trigger Dispatcher example.
If a trigger handler does not execute successfully, the error or warning log is captured in the Debug Log (mvn__Debug_Log__c
) object. For each Debug Log record created from a failed trigger handler execution, the Body (mvn__Body__c
) field stores the trigger that was called while the Message (mvn__Message__c
) field stores the error or warning message. The Message field can only capture 255 characters, so any additional characters in the error or warning message are truncated. However, from the first 255 characters, users can match the log to a trigger handler exception and identify whether the trigger stack belongs to an error or warning.
Description | Returns |
This method queries the Trigger Handler Setting metadata records for the current object and adds them to the processing queue. If the metadata records are invalid, |
global PJN_TriggerDispatcher addTriggerHandlerSettingRecords()
Description | Returns |
This method initiates the Trigger Dispatcher Handler Interface handle() method for each Trigger Handler Setting metadata record in order of | void |
global void dispatch()
This example demonstrates how to call and use the Trigger Dispatcher on the Account object.
trigger PJN_Account on Account(before insert, after insert, before update, after update, before delete, after delete, after undelete) { new mvn.PJN_TriggerDispatcher().addTriggerHandlerSettingRecords().dispatch(); }
The Trigger Dispatcher Handler Interface (PJN_TriggerDispatcher.HandlerInterface
) Apex class handles and is implemented by the Trigger Dispatcher.
global interface HandlerInterface
Description | Returns |
This method enables custom implementation of how the Trigger Dispatcher should handle the Trigger Handler Setting ( | void |
void handle()
This example demonstrates how to call and define the Trigger Dispatcher Handler Interface on the Account object and how to implement the handle() method to stamp today's date on a custom Account field.
global class CUST_AccountHdlr implements mvn.PJN_TriggerDispatcher.HandlerInterface { global void handle() { for (Account thisAccount : (List<Account> Trigger.new)) { thisAccount.CUST_Date__c = Date.Today(); } } }
The Trigger Handler Setting Query (PJN_TriggerHandlerSettingQuery
) Apex class retrieves the Trigger Handler Setting (mvn__PJN_Trigger_Handler_Setting__mdt
) metadata records to be run for a given object and allows users to overwrite the settings for testing purposes.
global class PJN_TriggerHandlerSettingQuery
getSettingsForObject(SObjectType objectType)
Description | Returns |
This method returns the list of Trigger Handler Setting ( |
global static List<PJN_Trigger_Handler_Setting__mdt> getSettingsForObject(SObjectType objectType)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objectType | SObjectType | The SObject that the trigger handlers are configured for. |
setSettingsForObject(objectType, settings)
Description | Returns |
This method overwrites the trigger handler settings to run for a given object. WarningThis method can only be used during test execution. | void |
global static void setSettingsForObject(SObjectType objectType, List<PJN_Trigger_Handler_Setting__mdt> settings)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objectType | SObject Type | The SObject that is being tested with specific trigger handlers. |
settings | List<PJN_Trigger_Handler_Setting__mdt> | The list of Trigger Handler Setting ( |
This example demonstrates how to call and use the Trigger Handler Setting Query Apex class in a testing execution.
@isTest private class ThisIsATest { @isTest private static void thisIsATestMethod() { mvn__PJN_Trigger_Handler_Setting__mdt someSetting = new mvn__PJN_Trigger_Handler_Setting__mdt( mvn__PJN_Class__c = 'MVN_ShipmentHdlr', mvn__PJN_Event__c = 'AFTER_INSERT', mvn__PJN_SObject_API_Name__c = 'Account'); List<mvn__PJN_Trigger_Handler_Setting__mdt> settings = new List<mvn__PJN_Trigger_Handler_Setting__mdt>(); settings.add(someSetting); mvn.PJN_TriggerHandlerSettingQuery.setSettingsForObject(Schema.Account.getSObjectType(), settings); } }