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Closing the Enrollment Wizard right after care plan creation may cause the care plan to not appear and the request to be open in two tabs

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A Care Plan (Case) record is created when the Create Care Plan button is clicked in the Enrollment Wizard. Then, the Request (Case) record that was used to enroll the patient into the care program should be reparented to the care plan. This means that the main tab that the request was originally open in should close and a subtab with the request should open alongside the care plan subtab. However, if a user closes the Enrollment Wizard right after the care plan is created, the care plan may not appear until the user manually refreshes the page. Additionally, while the request is reparented into a subtab, the request may also remain open in its original main tab.

Affects version(s)


Impacted capabilities


Steps to reproduce

Enroll a patient into a care program:

  1. Create a patient.

  2. Create a request.

  3. On the request, click Account Search.

  4. Search for and select the patient.

  5. Navigate to the care plan tile and enroll the patient into a new care plan. The Enrollment Wizard will open.

  6. Select a program.

  7. Click Create Care Plan.

  8. Click the X icon in the top right corner of the wizard or the Cancel button in the bottom left corner of the wizard.

The care plan is created but may not appear until you refresh the page. When the care plan appears, the request is reparented to the care plan and appears as a subtab next to the care plan subtab. However, the request is also still open as a separate main tab.


After you click Create Care Plan to create the care plan in the Enrollment Wizard, do not click X or Cancel. Instead, click Next to navigate through the Enrollment Wizard and click Finish to close the Enrollment Wizard. You do not have to enter any information in the screens throughout the Enrollment Wizard after the care plan is created.

Fix version

Resolution notes